1. 帕里斯:这次战役法国战败,法国那艘以[[特洛伊]]王子[[帕里斯]](Paris)命名的巨舰也沦为英国战利品. 此战英国舰队和法国舰队各以战列线对阵时,风向突然改变,英舰队司令[[乔治.罗德尼]](George Rodney)立刻率领六艘战舰突破法舰队的一字长蛇阵,
2. 巴黎 巴黎:为纪念法国大革命一百周年和当时举办的万国博览会而建,今天现已成为巴黎城标建筑,您可自费参加塞纳河游船,别有一番滋味… 第8天 用餐:早中晚 巴黎 巴黎(PARIS) 早餐后,参观世界三大博物馆之一的卢浮宫*(含门票和专业讲解,
3. 法國-巴黎:航程名称:北京(Beijing)-欧洲-法国--巴黎(Paris)巴黎简介:法国首都巴黎(Paris)是欧洲大陆上最大的城市,也是世界上最繁华的都市之一. 地处法国北部,塞纳河西岸,距河口(英吉利海峡)375公里. 塞纳河蜿蜒穿过城市,形成两座河心岛(斯德和圣路易).
4. paris:pulse analysis – recording information system; 脉冲分析与记录信息系统〖航空〗
1. Paris'business empire spans 17 product lines and 35 stores but she insists she is not a ruthless businesswoman.
2. Angelina Jolie asked her mother to fly in from Los Angeles to Paris so she can be by her side when Angelina gives birth.
3. Paris Hilton has been blasted by animal rights campaigners for treating her pets like " disposable accessories ".
4. Romantics were undeterred by the small turnout and sought to preserve Paris's reputation.
5. Paris的解释
5. " This is a real battle, " he said by telephone from Paris.
6. Sky News reported Wednesday that one of its journalists had traveled by train from London to Paris using a colleague's passport.
7. A French cabaret show entitled Paris Plumes will play at Beijing's Poly Theater from January 17 to 20.
8. The Frankfurt DAX index went up nearly 30 percent in the year, while the Paris CAC index rose 15 percent.
9. To make a call to France at 10 am Paris time means that you're on the phone at 2 am in Beijing.
10. Canoeing first featured as a demonstration sport at the Paris 1924 Games.