
Panpipe [ˈpænpaip]  [ˈpænˌpaɪp] 

Panpipe 基本解释


Panpipe 网络解释

1. 牧羊神之笛:deglutition centre 吞咽中枢 | Panpipe 牧羊神之笛 | theory of curve 曲线论

2. 牧羊神笛:panoramic 全景的 | Panpipe 牧羊神笛 | pansy 三色紫罗兰

3. 排萧:短笛 piccolo; fife | 排萧 panpipe | 巴松管 bassoon

4. 排笛/牧神笛:Shaker 金属沙铃 | Panpipe 排笛/牧神笛 | Flexatone 弹音器

Panpipe 双语例句


1. Panpipe, pandean pipe, syrinx

2. A large chandelier, consisting of six panpipe-shaped lamps, hangs over the lobby.

3. Among the cultural relics unearthed, the 13-tube bamboo panpipe was the earliest one ever discovered.

4. A young boy with braided hair carries a panpipe as he herds llamas along the shore.

5. This chandelier was designed and made in Austria. It has three hundred lights and six panpipe GetWord (" panpipe "); like arms which support these lights.

6. After the Sui and Tang Dynasties, with the continued popularity of foreign musical instruments and the rise of townsfolk music, panpipe began to decline, so the panpipe in Sui and Tang Dynasties in ancient China is the last peak.


7. It has three hundred lights and six panpipe like arms which support these lights.


8. Documented about the panpipe from Qing Dynasty has never been interrupted.


9. Screened from the music and the Sui and Tang historical pan-related content, the panpipe in the Sui and Tang Dynasties applications, combination and arrangement of the band, devoted to specific applications.

10. This chandelier was designed and made in Austria. It has three hundred lights and six panpipe GetWord (" panpipe "); like arms which support these lights.

Panpipe 单语例句

1. Panpipe

1. There's an artist who even plays his panpipe while working on a small organic farm.
