
Panama [ˈpænəˌmɑ:, -ˌmɔ:]  [ˈpænəˌmɑ, -ˌmɔ] 

Panama 基本解释



Panama 网络解释

1. 巴拿马城[巴拿马]:巴拿马城,巴拿马(Panama)首都,中美洲帕拉马里博,苏里南(Suriname)首都,南美洲巴黎,法国(France)首都,欧洲彭蒂克顿,加拿大(Canada)不列颠哥伦比亚省,北美洲珀斯,澳大利亚(Australia)西澳大利亚州,大洋洲费城,美国(USA)宾夕法尼亚州,

2. 巴拿马 巴拿馬:易所巴拿马 巴拿马(Panama)股票交易所秘鲁 利马(Lima)股票交易所卡达 杜哈(Doha)股票交易所南非 约翰内斯堡(Johannesburg)股票交易所斯里兰卡 可伦坡(Colombo)股票交易所史瓦济兰 史瓦济兰(Swaziland)股票交易所土耳其 伊斯坦布尔(Istanbul)股票交易所阿拉伯联合大公国 阿布达比(Abu Dhabi)证券市场委内瑞拉 加拉加斯(Carac

3. 美洲 巴拿马:图文:本报记者李群卑诗皇家骑警宣布,在温岛一艘3月初来自中美洲巴拿马(Panama)的帆船上,查获1,001公斤砖状可卡因,拘捕两疑犯并且控以贩毒罪名. 骑警指出,该批毒品是卑诗历来查获的最大批毒品之一,总价值高达数亿元;如果毒贩偷运成功,

Panama 单语例句

1. The coup is Central America's biggest political crisis since the US invasion of Panama in 1989.

2. Panama

2. All passengers died in the Colombian chartered jet carrying vacationers home from Panama to the French Caribbean island of Martinique.

3. Panamanians are excited about the project, after many skeptics doubted Panama would administer the waterway well.

4. Panama's president said she would consider granting the former Catholic priest asylum but had not been asked.

5. Most recently, a cough syrup containing DEG resulted in more than 40 deaths in Panama last September.

6. Cuba cut diplomatic ties with Panama on Thursday after its outgoing leader pardoned four Cuban exiles who plotted to kill President Fidel Castro in 2000.

7. Just a few days ago, the Panama Canal International Advisory Board met in Shanghai.

8. Diethylene glycol contaminated medicine exported from China was been blamed for dozens of deaths in Panama.

9. In 2007, banana plantations in Hainan and Guangdong provinces were infected by the Panama disease fungus.

10. In Panama City, water splashed over the protective seawall and the Frank Nelson drawbridge.
