POTS [pɒts]  [pɒts] 








POTS 基本解释


abbr.Photo-Optical Terrain Simulator 光学地面模拟器

POTS 网络解释


1. 锅:粒、爆香、炒菜用锅(pots)和煎板(PANS)可以自各种成分制成,而作特殊用途的供食器具须有适当之组成成分.其组戊成分须至少须苻合器具标准委员会所订定的标准.在餐饮业使用最多的材质为防腐性的金属-不锈钢.其是由百分之七十二的钢、百分之十八的铬(CHROME)和百分之十的镍(NICKEL).这个组成公式叫做18/10.当然,

2. 简易老式电话服务:网络接口和控制处理器; 网关的主要软件包括执行所有网关基本功能和选择功能的网关软件, 以及特定网关的应用软件, 它执行自定义的功能以及管理和控制功能.下面的网关基本结构图表示如何使简易老式电话服务(POTS)系统上的电话与现代

3. 旧式电话业务:PMC-Sierra的ONT、独户家庭设备(SFU)、集合式住宅设备(MDU)以及网关器参考设计,可适用于大多数主流客户端接口,包括千兆位以太网络、高速以太网络、同轴电缆多媒体联盟((MoCA)、旧式电话业务(POTS)、USB、以及WiFi.

4. pots:postural tachycardia syndrome; 体位性心动过速综合征

5. pots:point of termination station; 终端站点

6. pots:plain old telephone switching; 普通的老电话业务

7. pots:plain old telephone service; 简易老式电话服务

POTS 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. He ordered cannabis seeds online and grew them in 39 pots on a terrace of his apartment building.

2. POTS在线翻译

2. Some 600 pots of cannabis were seized from a village house in Yuen Long Tuesday.

3. Large numbers of unearthed celadon clay pots were dug out of the Dragon Kiln.

4. A long line of people dressed as folk opera characters parade across town, carrying huge iron pots filled with burning charcoal.

5. POTS的反义词

5. One method involves digging holes and putting clay pots filled with water into them.

6. Pots of flowers on window sills add yet more colour to the floral paintings and patterns that cover beams and eaves.

7. POTS的解释

7. Diners at the Toronto location also cook their own food in separate pots, unlike in China where people share a communal pot.

8. POTS的解释

8. Residents line up to get water with basins and pots from a water pipe in the yard of Model Town community on Thursday.

9. Below are the four pots for the teams from the Asian confederation which will be shared among eight qualifying groups.

10. Mundane offerings are to include yellow cotton curtains, pots and pans and metal lawn chairs.
