1. 大阪:但是为什么像 爱之(aichi) 京都(kyoto) 富士(fuji) 日本(nippen) 琉球(ryukyu)还有上面那些地名的汉字读音和中文一样但是像 神户(kobe) 大阪(osaka) 冲绳(okinawa)以及大多数日本人名的汉字读音和中文不一样但是为什么像 爱
2. 大阪 大阪:日本大阪: 大阪(osaka)是日本的第二大城市,古称浪速,又叫难波,19世纪起始称大阪. 这里是日本的经济、贸易、文化中心,同时作为日本的历史文化名城,由于濒临濑户内海,自古以来大阪就为古都奈良和京都的门户,是日本商业和贸易发展最早的地区,
3. 大坂:济州航空在一份声明中称,从3月20日开始,每天均有飞往大坂(Osaka)的航班,每周定期开通去往北九州(Kitakyushu)的航班三次. 声明中还称,济州航空股份有限公司总部设在韩国最南端的旅游城市济州,其将成为韩国第一家推出定期经济型国际航班的航空公司.
4. "日本":又到咗Cake最喜欢嘅月份啦~~ 十月系我同柴狼爸爸生日嘅大日子, 月底又会放大假返香港玩!! 今年我哋仲plan咗先去日本 (Osaka) 玩4日然后再去香港 如果你哋有tips关於大阪有咩好食同好玩一定要...
1. Radcliffe's hopes of returning at last month's world championships in Osaka were scuppered by a stress fracture of the sacrum related to childbirth.
2. Koizumi's move also defied a recent ruling by the Osaka High Court that the visits violated the constitutional division between religion and the state.
3. A Japanese court on Monday sentenced a rightist seven years in prison for damaging the Chinese Consulate General in Osaka.
4. The Olympic gold medalist and world record holder lacked a world crown before the Osaka meet and was under intense media pressure heading into it.
5. The Parks Tower in Osaka is part of the Namba Parks development.
6. The document limited the number of pictures that could be published of Victoria's gold embroidered Osaka Hilton gown.
7. Osaka的翻译
7. Iceland's capital Reykjavik jumped to third place ahead of Japan's Osaka and eight of the top 10 cities are in Europe.
8. 911查询·英语单词
8. " Osaka is not far away and the weather conditions are similar to Beijing's, " Sun said.
9. The ministry confirmed 20 other cases earlier yesterday, all teenagers at several high schools in Hyogo and Osaka prefecture.
10. Osaka的翻译
10. He won Olympic gold at the 2004 Athens Games and the World Championships crown in Osaka in 2007.