Orthodox Church

Orthodox Church

Orthodox Church 基本解释
Orthodox Church 网络解释


1. 东正教会:以较实际的方式来说,东正教会(Orthodox Church)就是复活(samudaya)的事实:喔,这位僧侣是从痛苦中复活的事实. 这是渴望还是向往(tanha)... (这带来重生--而我们并不接受这一观点)这和激情欢愉有关,以下列形式四处追求新奇的乐趣:(1)渴望感官的乐趣 (2)存在的 (3)不存在的.

2. (正教会):来表达基督教信仰的真实意义,在十、十一世纪间,创造了沿用至今的「订婚仪式」与「加冕仪式」. 这堂课的宗旨,是要指出新教(Protestantism)和正教(Orthodoxy)之间的某些差异,目的是要激起那些不太熟悉正教会(Orthodox Church)的新教徒的兴趣.

Orthodox Church 单语例句

1. Their position was in contrast with the official stand of the Romanian Orthodox Church, which said the decision should be left to the girl's family.

2. Orthodox Church

2. The Coptic Orthodox Church announced a state of mourning over the pope's death.

3. A Russian Orthodox Church stands at the western end of the street, directly in front of the former czarist park.

4. The national currency is ruble and the country's major religion is the Russian Orthodox Church followed by Islam.

5. Orthodox Church

5. It was reported that the plane crashed near a church where thousands of orthodox believers were observing the religious holiday Dormition of Virgin Mary.

6. An Orthodox worshipper lights a candle during Easter prayers at the Church of Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem's Old City yesterday.

7. Orthodox Church

7. Communist authorities had called on the Orthodox Church before in times of national peril such as World War Two and reached accommodation with its leadership.

8. Orthodox Church什么意思

8. The Orthodox church has experienced a major resurgence in Russia and has restored or built thousands of churches.

9. Orthodox Church是什么意思

9. The victory angered the Greek Orthodox Church, which said the song had a " Satanic " message.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. The cornerstone of the city's architectural offerings is St Sophia Orthodox Church.
