







Numbers 基本解释
民数记;数目;算术; 数量上的优势;
Numbers 网络解释

1. 数字:最近,一部名为<<数字>>(Numbers)的电视剧引起了广泛关注,这部只有一个小时的电视剧讲述了一位数学天才,利用数学模型和统计学知识为FBI破案立下奇功. 事实上,这种分析已经被司法界广泛用于破案,被保险公司用于确定不同地区不同司机的保费费率,

2. 数字追凶:<<数字追凶>>(Numbers) 计划再拍摄5~9集,于4月~5月播出. <<十月之路>>(October Road) 罢工前拍摄集数剩余5集. 未来计划未决. <<办公室>>(The Office) 计划再拍摄5~10集,于4月~5月播出. <<篮球兄弟>>(One Tree Hill) 罢工前拍摄集数剩余6集.

3. numbers:num; 以逗号

Numbers 单语例句

1. Numbers

1. This business tactic smells like a numbers game meant to mislead the public.

2. The new millionaire said he was not a regular buyer of lottery tickets and had no secret for guessing the right numbers.

3. Suzhou and Taihu Lake in Jiangsu province saw peak numbers of visitors on Sunday, with most of them arriving by car.

4. The numbers of these flats are expected to " increase by leaps and bounds ".

5. With most of her patients showing up in masks and sunglasses, the doctor refers to them by numbers and never by name.

6. Numbers的意思

6. Conflict, ethnic cleansing and AIDS are increasing these numbers by the day and creating younger widows.

7. By the numbers, divorce just isn't what it used to be.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Attracted by the numbers, international payment service providers are now looking for an entry point in the Chinese market.

9. By the numbers, the overall economy has done well during Greenspan's terms.

10. Dr Mousa said that his hospital was overwhelmed by the large numbers of casualties.
