
Neptune [ˈneptju:n]  [ˈnɛpˌtun, -ˌtjun] 

Neptune 基本解释

名词海王星; (罗马神话)海神尼普顿

Neptune 网络解释

1. 涅普顿:只有在望远镜里才能观到由于它是一颗淡蓝色的行星,根据传统的行星命名法,它被命名为涅普顿(Neptune)涅普顿是罗马神话中统治大海的海神,

2. 诺浦敦:诺浦敦(Neptune)防水笔记本电脑包(带隐藏式耳机孔)-双肩15寸N一般包采用简单的尼龙或者皮质提手,包内物品过重时手的受重几乎很吃力,在提的过程中很快就会勒出血痕.

3. 海神:13、纳沃那广场Piazza Navona 34 有冰激凌店 摩尔人喷泉 圣埃格尼斯教堂(Santa Agnese in Agone)海神(Neptune)喷泉;法国大使馆在这里,可以和门口卫兵合影20、卡比多利欧广场 Piazza del Campidoglio 43 广场上有马可.奥里利乌斯(Marcus Aurelius)雕像;

Neptune 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. In a sign that the rebels were not in total control, they failed in a bid to arrest Neptune.

2. Philippe then said he would arrest Prime Minister Yvon Neptune on corruption charges.

3. A great white shark swims in Australia's southern ocean off the Neptune Islands next to a diving cage.

4. It is well beyond the Kuiper Belt, a region of ice and rock just beyond the orbit of Neptune.

5. It's somewhere between the size of Neptune and three times bigger than Jupiter.

6. Neptune的反义词

6. A burly rebel standing next to Philippe urged them to accompany the rebel chief to Neptune's house.
