
Nara [ˈnɑ:rə]  [ˈnɑrə] 

Nara 基本解释



Nara 网络解释


1. 奈良:大阪地区公寓销售数据包含大阪市及临近的兵库(Hyogo), 京都(Kyoto), 滋贺(Shiga), 奈良(Nara)及和歌山(Wakayama)等地公寓销售数据. 威斯巴登 (XFN-ASIA) - 德国联邦统计局公布, 7月份德国消费物价指数(CPI)终值为按月升0.6%,

2. 奈良市:奈良市 (Nara) 是日本为数不多的内陆县之一--奈良县的首府. 它位于近畿地区中南部,与京都和大阪构成等腰三角形.

3. 纳拉:陶德尼(TAOUDENI)沙漠盆地、加奥地堑结构、纳拉(NARA)断陷谷、伊莱梅登(IULLEMEDEN)和塔梅斯纳(TAMESNA),其中陶德尼盆地希望最大. 2004年澳大利亚公司(BARAKA)与马里签署了对马里北部陶德尼沉积岩盆地中第1、2、3、4和9区块的油气资源进行勘探、开发的产品分享协议,

4. 日 奈良:8日 京都 Kyoto 242 | 9日 奈良 Nara 244 | 10日 东京 Tokyo 246

5. nara:national archives of records administration; 美国行政记录档案馆

6. nara:national archives and records administration; 国家档案记录署

Nara 单语例句

1. Singer and actress Jang Nara will be appointed Cultural Ambassador of China.

2. The Japanese founded their capital in Nara in 710 and the city became prosperous as Japan's first international capital.

3. Before that the English Japanese and Chinese and Dutch versions of the original treaty have gone to the public on March 27 at NARA.

4. Japan's first permanent capital was established in the year 710 at Heijo, which is now known as Nara.

5. The US Army accepted Liang's proposal and Nara remained intact with its original scenery unaffected by the war.

6. He is perhaps best known for the famous poem on the intense longing for his home in Nara.

7. Hu is expected to do that when he travels to Nara on the last leg of his Japan visit.

8. Liang Sicheng recommended that the Americans spare the ancient Japanese city of Nara.
