

Mysticeti 基本解释
Mysticeti 网络解释

1. 须鲸亚目:现生种的分类系统中,将鲸目分成两个亚目,须鲸亚目(Mysticeti)和齿鲸亚目(Odontoceti),是根据须鲸板和牙齿的有无来区分. 然而,还有其他不同的地方,即头骨的形状、气孔的型态以及肋骨、胸骨的型态. (表一)在陆生哺乳类的肋骨通常有两个关节突,

2. 须鲸 须鲸亚目:Mystacoceti 须鲸亚目 | Mysticeti 须鲸 须鲸亚目 | Mystoxformula 麦斯脱配方

Mysticeti 双语例句

1. The sperm whales in Odontoceti was closely related with baleen whales in Mysticeti, and then clustered with Delphinoidea and then with Ziphioidea.

2. NJ cluster analysis indicated that subclass Mysticeti is a monophyly whereas subclass Odontoceti is a polyphyly, including Delphinoidea, Physeteroidea, Ziphioidea and Platanistoidea.

3. In addition, molecular biological techniques have been applied to address phylogenetic relationships among families within the suborder Mysticeti or Odontoceti, and within families, especially within the families Delphinidae and Phocoenidae, and river dolphins.
