1. 莫斯科市:居于俄州莫斯科市(Moscow)的霍斯金斯说,他过去开店卖地毡,后来因为一宗官司,税局将其店铺及商业产业扣作抵押,银行则要收回他价值三十五万美元(约二百七十三万港元)的乡村式大宅,他从此为房子与银行纠缠了近十年.
2. 莫斯科:欧洲 (Europe) - 俄罗斯 (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) - 莫斯科 (MOSCOW) 舱位等级 经济舱 单程价格 / 往返价格 2840 元 (参考税金:0元)哈尔滨到俄罗斯海参崴旅游线路,哈尔滨观光国际旅行社有限公司发布线路.
3. 俄羅斯 莫斯科:德国 柏林(Berlin) 默克尔(总理) Angela Merkel俄罗斯 莫斯科(moscow) 弗拉基米尔.普京 (Vladimir Putin)日本 东京(Tokyo) 小泉纯一郎(我一紧张写成小泉龙太郎,当时还觉得应该是的,^_^,
4. 苏联,莫斯科:ico city) 第二十届奥运会 1972年8月26日--9月11日 德国.慕尼黑(Munich) 第二十一届奥运会 1976年7月17日--8月1日 加拿大.蒙特利尔(Montreal) 第二十二届奥运会 1980年7月19日--8月3日 苏联.莫斯科(Moscow) 第二十三届奥运会
1. CANBERRA - The Australian government on Tuesday condemned as a terrible act of extremism a bombing at a Moscow Airport in Russia.
2. The Grozny ceremonies were mirrored by festivities throughout the country, including a march past on Moscow's Red Square overseen by Putin.
3. MOSCOW - A wholesale market jointly funded by China and Russia and selling Chinese goods opened Thursday near the Moscow Ring Road.
4. Midfielder Patrick Vieira is again doubtful after he was struck down with a calf problem in Moscow having only just recovered from nagging hamstring trouble.
5. Moscow的反义词
5. Moscow will soon declare a decision on a pipeline to carry up to 20 million tons of oil each year from Siberia to China.
6. Moscow的近义词
6. In the spring snow on Sunday morning in Moscow, voters lined up to cast their ballots.
7. Most Russian newspapers put Biden's interview on their front pages Monday, with headlines casting doubt on Washington's commitment to forge a more constructive relationship with Moscow.
8. Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Moscow categorically disagrees with a unilateral proclamation of the independence of Kosovo.
9. Moscow在线翻译
9. Russians lined up under overcast skies to pass through metal detectors to enter Christ the Savior Cathedral on the banks of the Moscow River.
10. Moscow的反义词
10. Georgia has announced it had caught a few Chechen terrorists but refused Moscow's demand for their deportation to Russia.