
Montana [mɔnˈtænə]  [mɑnˈtænə] 

Montana 基本解释


Montana 网络解释


1. 蒙大拿:卡加立大学(University of Calgary)和亚伯达(Alberta)的皇家 泰瑞尔博物馆(Royal Tyrrell Museum)的科学家说,这处1990年代在蒙 大拿(Montana)北方出土的巢穴,很可能是两种小型肉食恐龙其中一种所 有.

2. 蒙大纳:目前,继续承认普通法婚姻的只有哥伦比亚特区(District of Columbia)和以下10个州:阿拉巴马州(Alabama)、科罗拉多州(Colorado)、爱荷华州(Iowa)、堪萨斯州(Kansas)、蒙大纳(Montana)、新罕布什尔(New Hampshire)、俄克拉荷马州(Oklah

3. 蒙塔那:大部分地处美国怀俄明州的黄石公园,也延伸到了蒙塔那 (Montana) 及爱达荷 (Idaho) 州. 黄石公园以野生动物及地热特色闻名;其中的「老忠实喷泉」是公园里最引人入胜的景点. 例如,在由盐湖城 (Salt Lake City) 进入怀俄明州的西部牛仔之乡 Jackson Hole 之际,

Montana 单语例句

1. A gas station and convenience store clerk in the western Montana logging community of about 300 people said she recognized Duncan after seeing his photo.

2. I feel like we are the daddy and the daughter that we were before'Hannah Montana'happened.

3. The derby was organised by a local radio station with the prizes being tickets to Hannah Montana's concert on Thursday.

4. Montana在线翻译

4. And kids who didn't get the Hannah Montana doll they wanted may be able to find it for half off.

5. Montana

5. They decided to have " a nut fry " at Mama's Place after bringing back lamb fries from a trip to Montana.

6. Ida Hemingway said she found the will in a desk in storage in Montana.

7. States such as Idaho and Montana plan to resume hunting the animals this fall, but no hunting has been proposed in the Great Lakes region.

8. Montana的意思

8. Idaho and Montana already have crafted plans for public hunts to keep wolf populations in check.

9. They were found in Montana in the case of Troodon, and Mongolia in the case of Oviraptor and Citipati.

10. If you visit the western mountain and plains state of Montana you will know why it is known as Big Sky Country.
