1. 嘲鸟:继以嘲讽美国现总统小布什为主题的反战歌曲<
2. 反舌鸟:反舌鸟(Mockingbird):即嘲鸫. 嘲鸫科,一种产于美国南部和东部以及墨西哥的灰、白色鸟,是得克萨斯州 (State of Texas)州鸟,对声音的模仿能力很强,可以学会模仿很多不同的声音,尤其夜晚啼叫的声音非常美妙.
3. 模仿鸟:唯一生活在北美洲的猫鹊是灰色或北部猫鹊,与打谷鸟(thrasher)和模仿鸟(mockingbird)有亲缘关系. 猫鹊的名字就源于它像猫叫一样的刺耳叫声. 一般在发怒或伤心的时候,它会发出这种叫声,但是它的叫声旋律美妙;和模仿鸟一样,
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. (小)嘲鸫;反舌鸟
A mockingbird is a grey bird with a long tail which is found in North America. Mockingbirds are able to copy the songs of other birds.
1. long-tailed grey-and-white songbird of the southern United States able to mimic songs of other birds
Synonym: mocker Mimus polyglotktos