
Mississippi [ˌmɪsɪ'sɪpɪ]  [ˌmɪsɪ'sɪpɪ] 

Mississippi 基本解释



Mississippi 网络解释


1. 密西西比州:[事件]开始担任CCTV3中国音乐电视<<音乐超市>>嘉宾主持人明尼苏达州(Minnesota) 密西西比州(Mississippi) 密苏里州(Missouri) ... 2006年参加中央电视台CCTV3全国青年歌手电视大奖赛进入全国个人 ...

2. 密西西比河:欧洲人已在此殖民开发,灭绝或赶走了土著居民,创建出了城市,而无疑也将适时创造出工业文明:密西西比河(Mississippi)以西的美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、南非、阿尔及利亚以及南美洲的南端.

3. 蜜西西:14 The greatest love of all至爱 | 15 Mississippi蜜西西 | 01 Yesterday once more昨日重现

Mississippi 单语例句

1. They found out Carter had been incarcerated in Mississippi four times - twice for stealing, once for violating parole and again for a weapons violation.

2. Killen was only person ever brought up on murder charges in the case by the state of Mississippi.

3. Mississippi's catfish farmers could also be wiped out if the Yazoo floods their ponds and washes away their fish.

4. EDT shows cloud cover in the Mississippi Valley where a strong low pressure system triggered a severe weather outbreak on Thursday.

5. Mississippi

5. Most of the concerts will take place at colleges, including the University of Mississippi and the University of Notre Dame in Indiana.

6. The snow in Mississippi and Louisiana was clearing out Thursday afternoon, but forecasters warned that freezing temperatures could make for treacherous driving conditions overnight.

7. The search for bodies in the Mississippi River was painstakingly slow as divers navigated debris and murky water after Wednesday's collapse.

8. Ivan was forecast to roar ashore late on Wednesday or early on Thursday, on or near the border between Mississippi and Alabama.

9. Mississippi的反义词

9. The state suffered the worst losses from Hurricane Katrina, which also destroyed portions of Alabama and Mississippi.

10. Water from the inflated Mississippi River gushed through a floodgate and headed toward thousands of homes and farmland in Louisiana.
