
Manhattan [mæn'hætn]  [mæn'hætn:] 

Manhattan 基本解释


Manhattan 网络解释

1. 曼哈顿岛:=D归零地(Ground Zero),世界贸易中心(World Trade Center)遗址三一教堂(Trinity Church)是纽约市另一座富有盛名的大教堂,位于华尔街与百老汇的交界点纽约城一共由五大部分组成,曼哈顿岛(Manhattan),布鲁克林(Brooklyn),

2. 曼哈頓區:纽约市是由五个区(boroughs)组成,然而从另一个行政角度划分的话,市下又分五个郡(和五个区的边界分别相同),这点和美国其他地方「郡大於市」的情况不同:纽约郡(New York County)--曼哈顿区(Manhattan)曼哈顿(Manhattan)是纽约市的象征,

Manhattan 单语例句

1. The approach we have employed is to localize in Manhattan by hiring a local manager to run the business.

2. Manhattan的翻译

2. Scores, a Manhattan gentleman's club is described as a " haven for horny high rollers ".

3. He battles multiple health problems, walks with a cane and rarely leaves his compact Manhattan apartment.

4. Times Square was once again the luminous center of Manhattan, but none of the subways were yet running.

5. Manhattan在线翻译

5. The girl apparently climbed into the chimney Thursday night while playing on the roof of a building in Manhattan.

6. My hood is also less than an hour from Chinatown, which is located in Manhattan - the heart of New York City.

7. Manhattan的意思

7. In May 2012, she received her master's degree in classical performance from the Manhattan School of Music.

8. Manhattan的翻译

8. Con Edison spokesman Chris Olert said more than 60 utility workers fanned out across Manhattan's West Side but found no indication of a gas leak.

9. " I can't imagine the circumstances under which it would be something I would consider, " Clinton told business leaders at a breakfast meeting in Manhattan.

10. " The cost of living in Manhattan is skyrocketing, " Reese said.
