

Maitreya 基本解释
Maitreya 网络解释


1. 弥勒:还有下加入摩诃迦叶团体的许多比丘, 以跋波(Vappa 最初五比丘之一)为上首,在窟外不远的地方另行结集.所以王舍城结集分窟内窟外二部, 所结集的都是小乘三藏.大乘三藏相传是文殊师利(Ma`ju1r]),弥勒(Maitreya) 等菩萨和 阿难陀等在铁围山结集的,

2. 弥勒菩萨:在<<大乘庄严经论(Ornamennt of the Mahayana Sutras)>>中,弥勒菩萨(Maitreya)说:我们应该在我们能够容易地取衣服、食物等必需品的地方修持. 我们所居留的地方应该没有盗贼或对任何危险的恐惧. 我们应该住在一个健康的地方,

3. 弥勒佛:而弥勒佛(maitreya)在成佛以前也是菩萨,据佛经说住在兜率天(Tusita). 他的故事特别见于<<弥勒上生经>>和<<弥勒下生经>>. 弥勒菩萨在古籍中经常以慈氏菩萨一名出现. 比如常见于<<大唐西域记>>等书. 大乘佛教,一般认为就是修菩萨道.

4. 弥勒慈氏:Main Assembly Hall 大经堂 | Maitreya 弥勒慈氏 | Mandala 檀城

Maitreya 单语例句

1. The pavilion of ten thousand happiness contains the statue of the Maitreya Buddha carved from a single piece of white sandalwood.

2. Maitreya is the biggest Buddhist temple in Pangkalpinang, while Kwan Tie Miau is the largest Chinese temple.

3. Maitreya的意思

3. Most of the images at Longmen have inscriptions, and many were Maitreya and Sakyamuni.

4. Thus, many statues of Maitreya and Sakyamuni were built at Longmen.

5. Many statues of Maitreya were built during the Tang Dynasty, and were worshipped as the main Buddha.

6. In the middle of the hall sits a laughing Buddha - Maitreya.

7. In one hall stand statues of the Maitreya Buddha and the four Heavenly Kings.

8. On either side of Maitreya stand the four majestic'Celestial Kings'.
