1. 味精:是存在人类食物及人体本身的天然物质,人体摄入味精(MSG)可以完全消化、吸收并进行正常的生理新陈代谢. 使用淀粉为原料,通过发酵工艺生产的味精,可以提高食品的鲜度增加食欲,味精(MSG)有一定的热稳定性,在沸水中施放味精没有问题.
2. 消息结构:在sdk中,消息直接与窗体句柄(HWND)挂钩,在消息结构(MSG)中,其成员hwnd指定了消息的接受窗体句柄. 当系统或自定义的消息在此窗体中产生时,与此窗体挂钩的处理函数就起作用,用注:我上面所指的是控件消息,其他类型的消息不包括在内,
3. 管理科学硕士:造成这类职业培训班名存实亡. --管理科学硕士(MSG)、科学技术硕士(MST)和应用信息管理硕士(MI-AGE). 学制为四年,相当于大学本科.
4. msg:mangrove support group; 红树林支持组织
5. msg:monosodium l-glutamate; 味精
6. msg:maintenance stearing group; 所属的维修指导小组
1. There is no egg or milk, no MSG or chemical additives in the food.
2. MSG is so ingrained in the mainland Chinese food culture, you can find sacks of it in supermarkets next to the salt.
3. The pho tasted rather authentic, with nary a trace of MSG.
4. The body handles this glutamate in the same manner as that derived from added MSG.
5. The company is also the largest MSG and glutamic acid manufacture as well as the third largest xanthan gum producer in the world.
6. Anecdotal reports of the negative impact of MSG on health are numerous, but to date none of the extensive research carried out has shown a conclusive link.
7. The Lonely Planet includes " no MSG " in its useful phrases.
8. MSG paranoia is certainly rife in Beijing but this is driven by consumer demand, not scientific evidence.
9. In Taiwan we do not use so much oil when we cook and we also do not use MSG.
10. Eating authentic Chinese food that wasn't covered in MSG only made me hungrier to go abroad.