MP [ˌem ˈpi:]  [ˌem'pi:] 



MP 基本解释

abbr.议员(Member of Parliament); Mana Point/Magic Point 魔法值; 里程标(milepost); 宪兵(military police)

MP 网络解释

1. 法力值:当你生命值(HP)或者法力值(MP)过低(low)的时候 会自动喊话:HPLOW!MPLOW!

2. 中弱:2,主题:5-46小节 主旋律首先建立在右手a羽调上,音乐在层次色彩上有了明显变化.5-10小节用中弱(mp)描绘了近距离的劳动画面.同样的旋律 在11-16小节再次出现,再比前一句稍弱的力度来对比,形成远距离 的劳动画面,

3. 北马里亚纳群岛:该协议旨在取消在成员国的集体领域内旅...北马里亚纳群岛(MP) 地理信息:首都--苏苏泊(SPN) 北马里亚纳群岛联邦共和国(CNMI)位于大西洋海域的西部,环抱众多岛屿,如塞班岛,天宁岛和罗塔岛.

4. 魔法值:首先我想说,由于我装备加点以+耐(stam)为先,所以魔法值(MP)相对偏低,所以我只能省魔,一级小冰球减速,火焰冲击,灼烧(1. 5秒的施法时间,150MP换233~275的基础伤害,真的很好用,),都是很省魔的技能,相信自己速度的就冰冻加冰锥吧,

5. mp:myoplasma pneumonae; 肺炎支原体

6. mp:myoplasma pneumonia; 支原体肺炎

7. mp:middling pressure; 中压

8. mp:melting-point; 熔点

9. mp+:multilink protocol plus; 多链路协议加

MP 词典解释

1. MP

1. (英国)下院议员
    In Britain, an MP is a person who has been elected to represent the people from a particular area in the House of Commons. MP is an abbreviation for (缩略 =) 'Member of Parliament'.

    e.g. ...Colin Pickthall, MP for West Lancashire...
    e.g. Several Conservative MPs have voted against the government.

2. (写在人名后)…下院议员
    MP is written after someone's name to indicate that they have been elected as an MP.

    e.g. ...Margaret Beckett MP.

MP 单语例句

1. Heffernan chastised opposition Labor MP Julia Gillard for being single and childless.

2. MP的解释

2. But most are also either former ministers or have spent decades in the Commons, in line with a tradition of the Speaker being a senior MP.

3. MP什么意思

3. Iran on Wednesday blocked access to the virtual embassy, and one senior MP slammed it as an attempt to deceive the Iranian people.

4. MP在线翻译

4. The report recommended military authorities look further into the disclosure of MP information to detainees.

5. " The Kuwaiti cabinet has resigned and the resignation has been accepted by the emir, " the Islamist opposition MP told reporters outside parliament.

6. Former MP Lord Mayhew has blamed squirrels for starting a fire that destroyed the roof of his Kent home.

7. Another 14 people were injured, and local MP Jonathan Coleman said it was " a miracle " no one else was killed.

8. Leftist MP Yossi Beilin said " the staggering comments of Ehud Olmert only serve to reinforce the doubts on his capacity to remain prime minister ".

9. Opposition National Party MP and committee member Tony Ryall said the new clause should be scrapped and accused the government of being out of touch.

10. Let me explain, borrowing an idea from UK Labour MP Barry Gardiner.
