
Lucy [ˈlu:si]  [ˈlusi] 

Lucy 基本解释
Lucy 网络解释

1. 回复:如果没没有动过AVR单片机的熔丝位的话,单片机默认的是内部1MHZ的时钟,没有用片外的时钟,那么片外的晶体当然也就不起振了tonghe等级:版主文章:2923积分:9060注册:2007年1月4日第3楼回复:(lucy)奇了怪了,为什么我的晶振不起振?

2. (女)露西:同行少女露西 (Lucy)身体不适,玛利亚显示关心,开始展露她性格善良的一面. 从哥伦比亚的乡下地方走到美国纽约,玛利亚并没有见到繁华与热闹,而是落在美国接头的南美黑帮小混混手上,陷入一片混乱与恐怖的状态中.

Lucy 单语例句

1. Police spokeswoman Lucy Caldwell did not elaborate on the cause of death, saying only that the incident was under investigation.

2. Lucy是什么意思

2. The Charlie's Angels actress hit out after Lucy Clarkson appeared in UK newspapers alleging the pop superstar had kissed her earlier this year.


3. You will come to Shamian Park and Lucy's is within the park.

4. Actress Lucy Liu feels sorry for men having to deal with modern women because the recent trend in'girl power'has confused them.

5. Lucy的近义词

5. Lucy's brain size is much smaller than that of today's normal adult.

6. Jurors received 100 pages of legal instructions from US District Judge Lucy Koh on Aug 21 prior to hearing the closing arguments from attorneys.

7. The role of Lucy Ewing - famously nicknamed the'Poison Dwarf'- was originally played by Charlene Tilton in the TV series.

8. While Lucy does not consider herself to be an alcoholic, she says she began drinking more in Beijing than she did in the United States.

9. Lucy's sounds of flatulence and other bathroom noises are so loud, the others have to raise their voices.

10. A car crash the previous week left Lucy Knight and John Carter gravely injured after they were attacked by a schizophrenic patient.
