
Lithuania [ˌlɪθjʊ'eɪnɪə]  [ˌlɪθʊ'eɪnɪr] 

Lithuania 基本解释
Lithuania 网络解释

1. 立陶宛:Q, 立陶宛( Lithuania) 如果您事先递交了申请,是可以落地签10天的. 但是如果立陶宛一旦加入欧盟,这条政策也要被取消了. S, 马拉维( Malawi) 从LILONGWE(李龙为)机场入境马拉维,可以申请落地签. T, 马来西亚( Malaysia) 在经历了一个中国游客的低谷后,

2. 立陶苑:波兰(Poland)商务签证(加急)罗马尼亚(Romania)商务签证(自备邀请)立陶苑(Lithuania)商务签证(自备邀请)

3. 陶宛:牌 立陶宛2000 悉尼 立陶宛(Lithuania) 赛艇 赛艇女子双人双桨 铜牌 7:01.71 立陶宛2000 悉尼 戴安娜.吉柳特(Diana Ziliute) 自行车公路赛 公路自行车女子个人赛 铜牌 立陶宛1996 Atlanta, GA 立陶宛(Lithuania) 篮球 男子篮球

4. 拉脱维亚 Latvia立陶宛:担任和平工作团 (Peace Corps) 团长期间﹐ 她是最早一群欢迎原为共产主义地区的人民成为民主世界成员的美国人之一﹔她在拉脱维亚 (Latvia), 立陶宛 (Lithuania), 爱沙尼亚 (Estonia), 以及一些新独立的前苏联小国家里建立了和平工作团计划.

Lithuania 单语例句

1. He missed all three attempts, and the buzzer finally sounded to give Lithuania the victory.

2. On the day it rejected Lithuania, the Commission postponed approval of Romania and Bulgaria entering the EU in 2007.

3. Only Latvia and Lithuania met this criterion, according to the report.

4. A professor from Lithuania argued that crime rates in the country even dropped when the death sentence was annulled there in 1999.

5. Lithuania是什么意思

5. The Denver Nuggets forward scored 19 points against Lithuania, setting the tone with a slam in the opening minutes that drew a huge ovation.

6. Scotland's emphatic win against Lithuania firmly kept alive its dreams of making next year's finals.

7. But his last game was more enjoyable and more memorable as he contributed 16 points and seven rebounds in Lithuania's win over Germany.

8. Lithuania

8. Poland and Lithuania are Kaliningrad's major trading partners and provide the only surface transport links between mainland Russia and the exclave.

9. NBA Houston Rockets center Yao Ming scored 29 points and 11 rebounds for China, which stayed within reach of Lithuania most of the first half.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. Lithuania were in dire need of a good result after losing heartbreakers to Turkey and Greece on the opening two days of the competition.
