1. 莉娜:他看上去大概三十多岁,身材挺高,是很典型的那种黄发蓝眼的外国人,站着比我高出半个头左右,看上去身体十分健壮. 办公室的房门被轻轻推开,司徒华特意为我安排的秘书莉娜(Lena)抱着一堆资料走进了我的办公室.
2. 勒拿河:<<黑龙江的诱惑>>一文的梗概翻译:40年的时间,土著雅库特族(Yakuts)在勒拿河(Lena)流域的人口骤减70%. 也就是说雅库特人居住在勒拿河(Lena)流域. 而阿尔丹河是他的支流,而阿尔丹河居住的是达斡尔族阿姓.
3. 雷娜:她就是雷娜(Lena),她的照片是图像处理领域使用最为广泛的标准测试图. 她是真人吗?她到底从何而来?1、事件起因 一举成名计算机界1973年的夏天,美国南加州大学信号与图像处理研究所里,
4. 莱娜:电影<<破碎的拥抱>>片段,由佩德罗.阿尔莫多瓦(Pedro Almodovar)执导,佩内洛普.克鲁兹(Penelope Cruz)主演. 在以下视频中,满怀报负的莱娜(Lena)询问导演马提奥(Mateo)她是否有机会在他的新片中试镜.
1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
1. The couple believed Lena's ring fell into a sink and was lost in vegetable peelings that were turned into compost or fed to their sheep.
2. Lena was an unknown before she won Germany's qualifiers for the contest earlier this year.
3. Now Lena and that guy go steady every time his boss comes to Moscow.
4. He took Lenin as his pseudonym in 1901 while in Siberian exile near the Lena River.
5. " I was so incredibly nervous, " Lena told the Hanover crowd.
6. As it turned out, the interpreter happened to live in Lena's hometown before he moved abroad.
7. Lena是什么意思
7. Also Lena Olin is reported to be in negotiations to join the film as well.
8. Lena的解释
8. A series of Tale of Lena Fox is my favorite entertainment in childhood.