LAN [læn]  [læn] 


LAN 基本解释


LAN 网络解释

1. 局域网络:B) 局域网络(LAN)比广域网络(WAN)大48. 下面四条关于防火墙(Firewall)的叙述中,正确的一条是_______. B) 能使用共享功能访问因特网(Internet)上的任何资源二、填空题 1. 为使网络系统结构标准化,国际标准化组织(ISO)提供了_______.

2. 蓝:村子前面有一条(tiao)碧(bi)蓝(lan)的小河,河水缓缓(huan)地向东流(liu)去,河两岸(an)有田野(ye)和青山. 山坡(po)上开着各种颜(yan)色的鲜(xian)花. 河上有一座白色的小桥. 一群鱼儿在河里游来游去. 五月三十日是小书虫的生日,

3. lan:wireless locate area network; 无线局域网

4. lan:logical area network; 局域网

5. lan:local neural network; 局部网络

6. lan:local area networks; 局域网络

LAN 词典解释

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1. 局域网;本地网
    A LAN is a group of personal computers and associated equipment that are linked by cable, for example in an office building, and that share a communications line. LAN is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'local area network'.

    e.g. You can take part in multiplayer games either on a LAN network or via the internet.

LAN 单语例句

1. LAN

1. Were Alice a Roman gentleman with a penchant for purple velvet, a journey through the Looking Glass may have landed him in Beijing's LAN Club.

2. Lan called for help and the thief was quickly stopped by passersby, who marched him to the local police station where he confessed.

3. Former champion gymnast and disabled rights activist Sang Lan has criticized her local community members who block the wheelchair ramp with bicycles and motorcycles.

4. LAN什么意思

4. A call to Zijin Vice Chairman Lan Fusheng's cell phone wasn't answered.

5. Centenarian Lan Wen had a fall a month ago and fractured his thighbone.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. A recent controversy over the change of nationality of Zhang Lan from China to a foreign country has brought attention to the company's public listing.

7. LAN is different from Internet in its closeness and limitation and controllability of the number of its terminal users and coverage.

8. " LAN Club has helped upgrade the South Beauty Group brand, " Zhang says.

9. When company executive Zhang Lan read the property news on Friday in Jiangsu province, he could not believe what was reported.

10. Trendy and fashionable are not words that properly conjure up the design of LAN Club.
