KIM 基本解释
keyboard input matrix 键盘输入矩阵;kinetic isotope method 动态同位素法;knowledge-based integrated machine 基于知识的集成机器;
KIM 网络解释

1. 金伯利:CCU) 金伯利 (KIM) 旧金山 (SFO) 喀土穆 (KRT) 卡拉奇 (KHI) 卡利卡特 (CCJ) 卡萨布兰卡 (CMN) 开罗 (CAI) 开普敦 (CPT) 科伦坡 (CMB) 科威特 (KWI) 拉各斯 (LOS) 拉合尔 (LHE) 拉纳卡 (LCA) 利雅得 (RUH) 伦敦 (LON) 伦敦盖特威克机场 (LGW) 伦敦希思罗 (LHR) 罗马 (FCO) 洛杉矶 (LAX) 马耳他 (MLA) 马累 (MLE) 马尼拉 (MN

2. 金:前情回顾:杰克-鲍威尔(Jack Bauer)陷入了昏迷之中,金(Kim)则要冒险救他. 本季概述:鲍小强的主角光环又一次发挥了作用,本季一开始就看到康复的杰克和金等人在一起团聚. 幸福的时光总是短暂的,杰克随后就受命,

3. 肯姆:讲述一场生化灾难后,威尔史密斯一个人的独角戏,还有一只狗. 他的女儿马莉的饰演者是威尔.史密斯和威萝.史密斯现实生活中真正的女儿. 主演玛琪.格蕾斯(MAGGIE GRACE)饰肯姆(KIM)法米克.詹森(FAMKE JANSSEN) 饰勒诺(LENORE)

4. <吉姆>:全书以解读西方文化经典为主,尤其是第二章,着重分析了英法小说家、艺术家的经典作品,如奥斯汀(Jane Austen)的<<曼斯菲尔德庄园>>(Mansfield Park)、威尔第(Giuseppe Verdi)的歌剧<<阿依达>>(Aida)、吉卜林(Rudyard Kipling)的<<吉姆>>(Kim)、康拉德(Jose

5. kim:keyboard input matrix; 键盘输入矩阵

KIM 单语例句

1. A telephone message left with Kim's publicist after regular business hours was not immediately returned.

2. Kim Kardashian wants to date a " lawyer or a businessman ".

3. The official said Cha told Kim that North Korea was running out of time to act on the agreement.

4. Campus supervisor Kim Lee Fields responded to a call of shots being fired and also began talking to the teen.

5. Kim admitted she had been unsure of her career direction until last week, due to the stress of hard training and high expectations from fans.

6. Kim had been treated for his cardiac and cerebrovascular diseases for a long period.

7. Analysts said the ceremony is a formal declaration of national support for the young Kim.

8. Kim Kardashian will be Miles Austin's " lucky charm " when the NFL season restarts.

9. Kim and his 40 rescue team members were searching through the debris of a flattened chemical plant of Shifang city.

10. Kim also said Comcast is basically a cable company, and might be biting off more than it can chew.
