
Juno [ˈdʒu:nəu]  [ˈdʒuno] 

Juno 基本解释

名词朱诺(主神朱庇特的妻子); [电影]朱诺; 朱诺号探测器

Juno 网络解释


1. 麦浚龙:新浪娱乐讯 ,)(阿娇)与麦浚龙()(Juno)拍戏亲嘴惹来)投诉自己没份与阿娇亲热,阿娇澄清出道至今仍未献出屏幕初吻,笑道要保持到30岁,更公然说最想亲的是,看来小方依然没份.

2. 鴻孕當頭:11/06 程设 他X的竟然要用手写程式码# OPENBOOK还能不及格 同学你也太厉害 (PASSED)11/17 统计 ABC卷是怎样 贝氏定理颇难用 作业题目直接英翻中颇贱 (FAILED)以下内容与电影(鸿孕当头)(JUNO)及电影(头彩冤家)(WHAT HAPPENS

Juno 单语例句

1. All four films competed for best picture, with the pregnancy comedy " Juno " earning the fifth slot for the top prize.

2. Juno

2. Juno is solar powered, a first for a spacecraft meant to roam so far from the sun.

3. This pastoral god was later replaced by the goddess Juno Regina who was regarded the patron of marriages.

4. Juno的反义词

4. Done right, and you've got a " Little Miss Sunshine " or a " Juno " on your hands.

5. Nearly every young actress agreed to read for the part, including " Juno " star Ellen Page and Emily Blunt.

6. Juno是什么意思

6. The'Juno'star also admits she sometimes struggles with being a working mother.

7. Jennifer's Body was written by Diablo Cody, who won an Oscar for her screenplay Juno in 2008.

8. Juno的解释

8. With Juno, scientists hope to answer some of the most fundamental questions of our solar system.

9. The band has also been nominated for seven Juno Awards and won twice.

10. Juno的解释

10. Pamela Anderson opened JUNO awards with a speech on the East Coast seal hunt.
