Judgment Day

Judgment Day

Judgment Day 基本解释
Judgment Day 网络解释

Judgment Day什么意思

1. 世界末日:要解释这一切是怎么回事,我们得从一个最基本的事实开始:除了一些无足轻重的情况例外(比如企业破产时企业的损失由债权人负担),在大多数情况下,所有者们从现在开始到世界末日(Judgment Day)期间所能获得的收益与他们所拥有的公司总体

2. (未来战士续集):385) Judge Dredd (特警判官) | 386) Judgment Day (未来战士续集) | 387) Jumanji (勇敢者的游戏)

3. 終極世界:終極狙殺 Jill the Ripper (2000) | 終極世界 Judgment Day (2000) | 終極悍將 Last Man Standing (1996)

Judgment Day 单语例句

1. The court said on Saturday it would choose another day to announce its judgment.

2. Judgment Day什么意思

2. But countries that have continued to ignore all the warning signs will most likely find themselves in dire political straits come judgment day.

3. This must be what Judgment Day looks like, with hysterical screams and thousands of people looking for their loved ones.

4. " The Judgment Day " is Miao's short animation, inspired by Michelangelo's original mural.

5. Yao decided to appeal against this judgment on May 2, the last day of the statutory appeal period.

6. Before yesterday's judgment, a hearing that lasted nearly an entire day was held in August.
