
Jah [dʒɑ:]  [dʒɑ] 

Jah 基本解释
Jah 网络解释

1. 乔:(Vex)+多尔(Dol)+马尔(Mal)+多尔(Dol)有三个凹槽的头盔/盔甲镶伐克斯(Vex)+伐克斯(Vex)+瑟(Sur)有四个凹槽的盔甲镶查姆(Cham)+罗(Lo)+欧姆(Ohm)+卢姆(Lum)有四个凹槽的盔甲/paladin专用盾牌镶索尔(Sol)+乔(Jah)+贝(Ber)+查

2. 耶和华:据悉,哈利路亚(Hallelujah)乃希伯来文「」之音译,意为「(让我们)赞美(Praise)()上帝耶和华(Jah)()」,即「赞美主」. 袁家界管理委员会公然为传播异端宗教张目,莫非受异端宗教或国际势力之教唆与支持不成?

3. 金沙:VLH胡乐 | JAH金沙 | JKH际坑口

Jah 单语例句

1. Jah是什么意思

1. The film's original musical score is by Jah Wobble, with the cooperation of classical composer Maria de Alvear and The Chinese Dub Orchestra.

2. Jah

2. The film's original musical score is by Jah Wobble, the Chinese Dub Orchestra and contemporary classical composer Maria de Alvear.

3. They believe Jah inhabits them so there it no real need for a church.
