
Indonesia [ˌɪndəʊ'ni:zjə]  [ˌɪndə'ni:ʒəˌ -ʃəˌ -doʊ-] 

Indonesia 基本解释


Indonesia 网络解释


1. 印尼:它从来没有放弃过对南中国海的渴望,从来没有停止过侵占南沙诸岛的步伐. 菲律宾士兵的子弹正在穿透中国渔民的胸膛,菲律宾的国旗正在中国的领土上飘扬. 菲律宾,一个中国绝对不能忽视的国家. 第九位--印-尼(Indonesia) 威胁指数:7 实力指数:5综...

2. 印尼(印度尼西亞):印尼/印度尼西亚(Indonesia)国旗印尼国旗为上红下白二色旗帜,红色代表自由与勇气,白色象徵正义与纯洁;印尼国徽是一只金色巨鹰(Garuda),胸前挂着一张盾牌,盾牌上的五个图案星星、项链、水牛头、榕树、棉花与稻穗,

3. (印尼印尼印尼印尼):Burma) 仰光仰光仰光仰光(Yangon)C01 柬埔寨柬埔寨柬埔寨柬埔寨(Cambodia) 金边金边金边金边(Phnom Penh)D01 印尼印尼印尼印尼(Indonesia) 雅加达雅加达雅加达雅加达(Jakarta)D02 印尼印尼印尼印尼(Indonesia) 巴淡岛巴淡岛巴淡

Indonesia 单语例句

1. China also offers Indonesia preferential buyer's credit for their cooperation in infrastructure.

2. Indonesia has been hard hit by a fivefold hike in the price of chilli, a household necessity.

3. Several active volcanos in Indonesia have been predicted month before eruption and the officials raise their alert status gradually before reaching to the top.

4. Canberra had already urged Australians to be on the alert, warning of a greater risk of attacks in Indonesia over Christmas and New Year.

5. Indonesia在线翻译

5. Su said Indonesia hopes to play an active and constructive role in the region to promote cooperation between China and ASEAN.

6. Indonesia

6. Indonesia straddles a series of fault lines that make the vast island nation prone to volcanic and seismic activity.

7. Indonesia什么意思

7. Indonesia straddles a chain of fault lines and volcanoes known as the Pacific " Ring of Fire " and is prone to seismic activity.

8. The vessel was carrying a cargo of coal and was traveling from Indonesia to the western Indian state of Gujarat.

9. However, the Bank of Indonesia case is politically sensitive and could prove embarrassing for President Yudhoyono.

10. Hutchison said the buyout would allow the phone company to plough cash back into expanding its operations in emerging markets including Indonesia and Vietnam.
