1. 国际英语水平测试:读大学雅思 读研究生GRE 国际英语水平测试(IELTS)是一种得到广泛承认的深造继续教育和高等教育课程的语言测试系统. 英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、北美以及许多母语不是英语,但许多专业课程用英语教学的国家的众多院校均采用这一语言测试系统. 许多负责...
2. 关键词:雅思:雅思(IELTS)成为国内第一大留学类语言考试关键词:雅思(IELTS)成为国内第一大留学类语言考试 ,雅思(IELTS)成为国内第一大留学类语言考试 ,雅思(IELTS)成为国内第一大留学类语言考试
3. ielts:international english language testing service; 雅思
4. ielts:international english language testing system; 国际英语语言测试系统
1. IELTS是什么意思
1. He said IELTS decided to increase the number of test dates from 33 last year to 46 this year.
2. Among the general increase, university students account for the majority of IELTS applicants in China.
3. The IELTS also has a speaking section, unlike the paper version of the TOEFL.
4. A Beijing resident checks the Internet to see how to register for the IELTS exam.
5. IELTS什么意思
5. The IELTS is still struggling to match the popularity of the TOEFL among high schools and universities.
6. IELTS的反义词
6. Supporters of the IELTS said it reflects students'language abilities better than the more widely accepted TOEFL.
7. It provides an alternative to the TOEFL and IELTS examinations for Chinese students who want to further their studies in Europe.
8. IELTS的意思
8. Although the TOEFL and IELTS exams test the same skill groups, they have significantly different structures.
9. Global IELTS Schools is one of the biggest competitors of New Oriental in China.
10. The British Council in Beijing recently revealed that China now claims the largest number of IELTS exam takers in the world.