ICU [ˌaɪ si: ˈju:]  [ˌaɪsi:'ju:] 

ICU 基本解释


abbr.intensive care unit 重点护理组

ICU 网络解释

1. 集中治療室:院 重症监护病房2) 天津泰达医院 重症监护病房3) 天津泰达医院 手术麻醉科4) 厦门中山医院 重症监护病房5) 上海第六人民医院外科集中治疗室6) 上海博爱医院内科病区7) 北京天坛医院脑外科集中治疗室(ICU)8) 北京老年病医

2. 重症监护病房:3.2 重症监护患者(1) 重症监护病房(ICU)的患者, 头两天给予伊曲康唑注射液200mg, qid, 可达到靶目标血药浓度(>0.25μg.mL.-1), 然后200mg, qd, 连用5d, 再改用伊曲康唑口服液200mg, qd或bid, 连服2周,

3. 加护病房:主营产品或服务: 加护病房(ICU),手术室(OR),消毒供应中心(CSSD),医院信息管理系统(HIS)四大区域及医用中心供气工程(CPS)产品的制造及研发工作.尿道膀胱镜,电切镜,膝关节镜,鼻窦镜,喉镜,纤维喉镜,耳鼓室镜,牙科内窥镜,

4. icu:surgical intensive care unit; 重症监护病房

5. icu:intensive care units; 重症监护治疗病房

6. icu:neonatal intensive care unit; 重症监护室

7. icu:instruction control unit; 指令控制单元

ICU 单语例句

1. ICU在线翻译

1. Hospital staff have pledged to strictly control the number of visitors in the ICU to create a quiet environment for Xiang and the other patients.

2. Cycling sprint specialists are in a tough time in the 2008 Beijing Olympics road race, said one ICU official on Sunday.

3. He was moved to ICU Tuesday afternoon, but died at midnight.

4. ICU什么意思

4. Lakshmi's doctors were encouraged by her progress and said she was responding well enough to treatment to leave the hospital's ICU.

5. Chang insisted on marrying Tang despite his illness and has taken care of him in a Beijing hospital's ICU after their marriage in August.

6. When Zheng was an intern in 1996, he went five days without once stepping foot outside of the ICU.

7. Doctors from the ICU ward say her condition is now stable and she is out of danger.

8. He had to intern in the ICU department for more than a year before he was allowed to work on his own.

9. This year the HA will provide ICU training in orthopedics and surgery to four groups of nurses.

10. ICU的反义词

10. More than 200 people swarmed into the hospital's ICU on Monday to visit her and report on her story.
