


ICONS 基本解释
Information Center on Nuclear Standards <美>核标准情报中心;偶像( icon的名词复数 );符号,图像;
ICONS 网络解释

1. 偶像:戴安娜和特丽莎修女,两位被美时代周刊(Time)列为近100年来,20位最有影响的偶像(Icons)和英雄(Heroes)人物,我以为,她们的区别,是名人和伟人的差距. 人们爱戴戴安娜的平易近人,她也身体力行地参与了慈善活动,呼吁拯救饱受饥荒的非洲饥民,

2. 图示:充分运用 3D 实体造型软体(TopSolid)的 CAD 功能,包括:TopSolid 的使用者介面,以图示(icons)及功能表(menus)的结合,来定义您所需要的功能,以及一些对话框(dialog boxes)来让您见到作业上的几何资讯,由於整合过的TopSolid功能,

3. 圣像:那样的东西--事实上被称作圣像(icons)--在那时人们的生活中扮演了一个与其后的艺术品所扮演的十分不同的角色. 当艺术的概念终于出现时,某种审美沉思的东西开始统治我们与艺术品的关系. 在由艺术家加以生产这样一个关键意义上,

ICONS 单语例句

1. This roll call of icons is merely the surface expression of a more fundamental shift in China's cultural paradigm.

2. Google Earth users can click icons on sea maps to see video of creatures that thrive in those locations.

3. Students click icons to virtually raise hands in chat rooms used for questions or comments during classes.

4. He joked in the press conference that Mao Zedong and Coco Chanel are the two historical icons who established their personal styles with jackets.

5. So Coco & Igor lacks any real insight into what made either Chanel or Stravinsky the trailblazing icons they were.

6. ICONS的翻译

6. The sports icons we talked about earlier were in total control of their situations, but their own stupidity ultimately led to their failures.

7. On view are about 30 ash paintings and cowhide sculptures, featuring Siberian tigers and Buddhist icons.

8. The London lawsuit is the latest legal spat between the two cultural icons.

9. Google departs from its customarily spartan home page and peppers its Korean site with colorful, animated icons.

10. Once you've named it, you can drag and drop app icons into it.
