
IBM 基本解释


IBM 网络解释


1. 北京:简介: 北京(IBM)笔记本风扇报错不转维修更换(怀柔)13552717318北京(IBM)笔记本风扇报错不转维修更换;简介: 北京(IBM)笔记本风扇报错不转维修更换(怀柔)13552717318北京(IBM)笔记本风扇报错不转维修更换;

2. 美国国际商用机器:新华网华盛顿8月15日专电 美国国际商用机器(IBM)公司、斯坦福大学和卡尔加里大学科学家联合研制出了5个原子作为处理器和内存的量子计算机,并首次证明这类装置有明显快于常规计算机的运算潜力.

3. ibm:interaction boson model; 相互作用玻色子模型

4. ibm:international business machines corporation; 国际商用机器公司

5. ibm:international business machinesv; 国际商业机器公司

6. ibm:ionic birefringence exchange membrane; 离子交换膜

IBM 单语例句

1. Chien was general manager for IBM's business in Southeast and South Asia.

2. IBM的解释

2. The apparently smooth incorporation of IBM's PC operation into Lenovo may have been helped by the way the deal was structured.

3. We moved the call center to Dalian after our acquisition of IBM's PC division.

4. That's the strategy IBM's Deep Blue computer used to defeat chess champion Gary Kasparov in their famous 1997 match.

5. Greenfield argued in favor of the latter model, which differs from what companies like IBM and Cisco understand and promote.

6. It has been nearly two years since IBM last upgraded this highly profitable product line, which tends to drive additional customer sales.

7. The commercial consideration of Lenovo wanting to purchase IBM's PC unit is evident.

8. It recently joined IBM in a strategic partnership that is meant to help the company stay competitive by using the latest technology.

9. SAN FRANCISCO - IBM researchers Thursday unveiled an experimental computer chip that emulates the way the human brain processes information.

10. In fact, their son is a computer science major who joined IBM's Chinese branch after graduation.
