1. " So I've got this squirrel, " one caller informed Olsen.
2. " I've got a cold " I tried to say, but every chair in the room had already turned to face me.
3. " I've got to come back, " Yu told himself.
4. I've got是什么意思
4. I've always been a great admirer of Shakespeare, but I think that at least in this instance he got it wrong.
5. I've usually got Chinese assistants in the classroom who will step in and control the class if it gets a bit rowdy.
6. 911查询·英语单词
6. She's got a huge dressing room and I've just got a cupboard!
7. I've got
7. I've got two valuable packages tied to my hip and that's my son and my daughter.
8. I've got to drag myself to the gym like everybody else, but when I finish it I do enjoy it.
9. I've still got that competitive edge when I'm out there but it is everything else that goes with it.
10. 911查询·英语单词
10. " I've got bigger fish to fry than Raja Bell, " he said.