
Hun [hʌn]  [hʌn] 

Hun 基本解释


Hun 网络解释

1. 匈牙利:2007 墨尔本(澳大利亚) 美国 (USA) 澳大利亚(AUS) 俄罗斯(RUS)2005 蒙特利尔(加拿大) 匈牙利(HUN) 美国(USA) 加拿大(CAN)2003 巴塞罗那(西班牙) 美国(USA) 意大利(ITA) 俄罗斯(RUS)2001 福冈(日本) 意大利(ITA) 匈牙利(HUN) 加拿大(CAN)

2. 匈奴:他一个前世是成吉思汗,汗(Khan)就是含(Ham),匈奴(Hun),汉(Han)这些华夏人种名称都是来源于含的名字变种. 中国人是含的第四个儿子迦南的后代,China 这个名字来源于迦南. 阿拉伯人,波撕人,亚述人,以色列人,米国人,

3. 珲:东市:东港市 抚顺市、丹东市、葫芦岛市、铁岭市、本溪市16 吉林 长春市(双阳区、宽城区:包含):榆树市、德惠市、九台市、農安县 四平市:公主岭市 吉林市、白城市、松原市、辽源市、通化市、白山市、延吉市、图门市、珲(hun)春市7 黑龙江 哈

4. hun:hungarian; 匈牙利匈牙利语

5. hun:comité olympique hongrois; 匈牙利奥林匹克委员会

Hun 单语例句

1. Hun Sen congratulated Li on his successful visit to Cambodia and thanked the Chinese Government and people for their support of and assistance to Cambodia.

2. Prime Minister Hun Sen spoke out on the problem shortly after, telling law enforcement agencies to be stricter in issuing marriage certificates " to prevent deceptive activities ".

3. She has carried his family name " Hun " just like his biological children.

4. The visit was made at the invitation of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, according to a media statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. " It will be a big ceremony, " Hun Sen said.

6. Hun Sen has earlier set year 2015 as a year to export at least one million tons of rice to the world markets.

7. Hun Sen arrived in Beijing on Monday to start his official visit to China, during which he also visited north China's coastal municipality of Tianjin.

8. Hun的近义词

8. Hun Sen urged Asian countries to reduce their reliance on the US and European markets, encouraging them to turn to boosting domestic needs and enhancing cooperation.

9. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen also dismissed reports of a rift among ASEAN members on how to settle overlapping maritime disputes with China.

10. Hun的意思

10. He also thanked Hun Sen for providing him the place for meeting and giving speech to his supporters.
