
Hellenic [heˈlenɪk]  [hɛˈlɛnɪk] 

Hellenic 基本解释


Hellenic 网络解释


1. 希臘:(1)西北郡制甲组足球甲组联赛;(2)北部东郡制足球联赛超联组;(3)北部甲组联赛;(4)西部足球联赛超联组;(5)威塞克斯(Wessex)甲组联赛;(6)萨西克斯郡(Sussex)甲组联赛;(7)希腊(Hellenic)足球联赛超联组;(8)中部足球联盟;

2. 古希腊:回到远古时代大约在公元前10000年到公元前4000年之间,四颗文明的种子在人类意识的肥沃土壤里开始萌芽,它们最终孕育出了四种古文明--古希腊(Hellenic)文明、亚伯拉罕(Abraham)文明、古印度文明和东亚古文明.

3. 希腊语族:graphology书写法;图解法 | Hellenic希腊语族 | heterogeneous多质的

Hellenic 词典解释

1. Hellenic在线翻译

1. 古希腊人的;古希腊语的;古希腊文化的
    Hellenic is used to describe the people, language, and culture of Ancient Greece.

Hellenic 单语例句

1. The Hellenic " civilization " failed a long time ago, of course.

2. Hellenic

2. " I will deliver it to the Hellenic Olympic Committee, " he said.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. The event is part of the " Cultural Year of Greece in China " celebrations and will be staged at the Hellenic House in downtown Beijing.

4. According to tradition, the first torchbearer should be a Hellenic male athlete.
