
Haiti ['heɪtɪ]  ['heɪtɪ] 

Haiti 基本解释


Haiti 网络解释


1. 海地 海地:海地(Haiti)文化活动海地海地(Haiti)休闲、娱乐海地海地(Haiti)其他旅馆资讯海地海地(Haiti)住宿海地海地(Haiti)衣着海地海地(Haiti)电力海地海地(Haiti)餐厅海地海地(Haiti)当地语言海地海地(Haiti)时差海地海地( ..日本(Jap

2. 在海地:安东尼:我们在海地 (Haiti) 拍影片的时候,有一名妇女说,只要我付2000美元,她就肯从坟墓里挖个僵尸出来陪我30分钟. 她说,我闻气味就能知道它是死的!我礼貌地拒绝了. 有趣的是,这名妇女在提议的时候神情正常,微笑有礼. 安东尼:是的.

Haiti 单语例句

1. Haiti

1. The company wants to help by reaching people in Haiti to give them a list of the numbers it sees calling the emergency number 114.

2. The team had just arrived in the Caribbean city on Tuesday afternoon and the other four victims are officers of China's peacekeeping force in Haiti.

3. Hundreds of thousands of survivors of Haiti's cataclysmic earthquake were living in makeshift tents or on blankets and plastic sheets under the tropical sun.

4. Haiti在线翻译

4. Chinese peacekeepers in Haiti are being deployed to safeguard a smooth vote count after a chaotic but mostly peaceful presidential election.

5. Haiti is prone to deadly flooding because of its steep mountains and hills deforested by people who cut down the trees to make charcoal.

6. Haiti is chronically vulnerable to flooding because of widespread deforestation caused by Haitians digging up roots to make charcoal for cooking.

7. Another mission of Clinton's trip to Haiti is to mediate in the case of 10 Americans who were charged with kidnapping children out of Haiti.

8. Haiti的解释

8. He also recalled the hardships of earthquake victims in Haiti and Chile and denounced violence emanating from drug trafficking in Latin America.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. In addition to the $ 10 million in emergency aid announced by the United Nations, rescue teams and materials were sent to Haiti from across the world.

10. He must prove he has resided in Haiti for five consecutive years, own property in the country and have no other citizenship but Haitian.
