HO 基本解释


abbr.Head Office 总公司,总店, (银行)总行

HO 相关例句



1. Westward ho!

HO 网络解释


1. 钬:克服了传统固定床反应器的不足,应用新型的光纤式反应器催化降解4-氯苯酚,降解率达到95%.用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)同时测定化妆品中镧(La)、铈(Ce)、镨(Pr)、钕(Nd)、钐(Sm)、铕(Eu)、钆(Gd)、铽(Tb)、镝(Dy)、钬(Ho)、铒(Er)、铥(

2. 好:大胆(bold)秃驴(bald)竟敢下流的在我面前露排骨拍(pe)卵石,入(ru)碎石,写(scribe)涂鸦,不(bu)起泡,好(ho)跛行,鬼(gui)借口阿福(aff)为光线而争吵,赌博(be)为光线被出卖,钩(t)住光线的是盘子,装灰(ash)的盘子是烟灰缸布莱(ble)迷失(mish)是污点,

3. 高输出:萤光灯有不同的长度和瓦数,一般分标准输出、高输出(HO)、和非常高输出(VHO)萤光管,通常为40瓦1米长. 一般一年更换一次,高输出董光灯管(HO)是60瓦,非常高输出萤光有管(VH0)则在110瓦~160瓦之间,依灯管长度而定.

4. ho:herne oxygenase; 血红素氧合酶

5. ho:higher order; 高阶

6. ho:heterotopic ossification; 异位骨化

7. ho:heme oxygeneases; 其中血红素加氧酶

HO 单语例句

1. Lawmaker Cyd Ho of Civic Act Up said postponement would not solve the problem that now confronted the assembly.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. " And the total amount of capital raised will still be smaller than in 2011, " Ho said.

3. Ho said the trapped journalists are trying to carry on with their reporting and do not intend to flee the country.

4. Man Ho also serves dim sum as well as creative a la carte.

5. HO是什么意思

5. Pang said Ho's case warranted a deterrent sentence to protect the system and to safeguard the interests of people held in detention.

6. Ho made a fortune as the monopoly operator of Macao's casino industry for four decades, only to see the business open to competition in 2002.

7. Democratic Party chairman Albert Ho said if Tsang wants an open debate, the CE should involve heads of all major opposition parties.

8. HO的翻译

8. One of Ho's aunts was a piano professor and another was a cello professor.

9. HO的翻译

9. State leaders on Friday also promised to fully support the work of the Macao SAR government and its chief executive Edmund Ho.

10. The authority chairman Ambrose Ho said the regulator will submit its recommendations to the Chief Executive in Council by the end of this year.
