
guinea [ˈgɪni]  [ˈɡɪni] 


guinea 基本解释

名词几内亚; 畿尼(英国的旧金币,值一镑一先令); [俚语] 意大利人:用作贬义词,指意大利人或意大利后裔

guinea 网络解释


1. 几内亚:中国-几内亚(Guinea)国际航空小包裹资费查询几内亚(Guinea)国际航空小包裹邮寄和挂号服务 三态 会在2-5天将国际邮寄小包裹交由几内亚(Guinea) 邮局(Guinea Postal Service)投递和其海关清关处处理,邮寄时间通常总共为7-14个工作日,由 几内亚(Guinea) 邮局投递到客户,

2. (畿内亚):Mamady Keita 生於1950年西非国家畿内亚(Guinea)一条叫Balandugu的村落. 出生前已有预言家向他的母亲预言,此孩子的名字将来必会传遍世界. 孩提时的Mamady已懂得利用碗碟来敲手出复杂而美妙的节奏. 凭著天赋的音乐才能,

3. 圭亚那:2009年推出的失败国家排名中,最失败的国家分别是(第一名到第10名):索马里(Somalia)、赞津巴布韦(Zimbabwe)、苏丹(Sudan)、乍德(Chad)、刚果民主共和国(DemRepOfCongo)、伊拉克(Iraq)、阿富汗(Afghanistan)中非共和国(CentralAfricaRepublic)、圭亚那(Guinea)、巴基斯坦(Pak

4. 非 洲 幾內亞:往南可以到南非(South Africa)境内Kruger国家公园的Olifants河与Limpopo河;往北则推估其可以分布至莫三比克境内的Zambezi河,整个种类的分布范围相当广泛. 地理分布位置: 非洲几内亚(Guinea)、狮子山(Sierra Leone)至赖比瑞亚(Liberia)

guinea 词典解释

1. 几尼(英国旧货币单位,价值1.05英镑,现有时见于拍卖会)
    A guinea is an old British unit of money that was worth £1.05. Guineas are still sometimes used, for example in auctions.

guinea 单语例句

1. The case dates to early 2006, when federal inspectors at JFK Airport examined a shipment of 12 cardboard boxes from Guinea.

2. The Chinese cargo ship was enroute from China's Shanghai to Papua New Guinea on Wednesday when it sank some 820 km south of Okinawa.

3. The cargo ship carrying timber was sailing from Papua New Guinea to China.

4. Former colonial power France said it would oppose any coup in Guinea.

5. guinea的翻译

5. Peridotite also occurs in the Pacific islands of Papua New Guinea and Caledonia, and along the coast of the Adriatic Sea and in smaller amounts in California.

6. Liang said the friendly and cooperative relations between China and Guinea have enjoyed steady development since their establishment of diplomatic ties 44 years ago.

7. Papua New Guinea police have arrested a woman attempting to carry a dead baby in her hand luggage on an internal flight.


8. Another trouble spot is Papua New Guinea, which shares an island north of Australia with Indonesia's easternmost Papua province.

9. He expressed appreciation for China to provide Guinea Bissau with assistance to improve people's lives and help his country's social and economic progress.

10. The host reported that the guinea hen's egg tasted best and was suitable not only for scrambling but also the Japanese egg roll.

guinea 英英释义


1. a west African bird having dark plumage mottled with white
    native to Africa but raised for food in many parts of the world

    Synonym: guinea fowl Numida meleagris

2. a former British gold coin worth 21 shillings
