greek drachma

greek drachma

greek drachma 基本解释

[经] 希腊德拉克马

greek drachma 网络解释

1. 希臘德拉克馬:Greek Cypriots;希腊族塞浦路斯人(希族塞人;希族塞人 | Greek drachma;希腊德拉克马;; | Greek Forces in Cyprus or Greek National Contingent in Cyprus;希腊驻塞浦路斯特遣队;ELDYK;

greek drachma 双语例句

1. The Greek drachma, the Irish punt, the Portuguese Escudo, the Spanish peseta, the Italian lira and, maybe, the French franc would have devalued against the Deutschmark.

2. The word " dram " translates into English as " money ", and is cognate with the Greek drachma.

3. By Monday, all corporate and personal savings in Greek banks will be denominated in drachma.

4. The drachma will tumble in value, so that almost immediately, Greek consumers will need at least 1.5 drachma to buy one euro.

5. Mr Smallwood discusses an interim period of high interest rates to encourage Greek deposits to stay put, reinforced by lender-of-last-resort drachma credits from the Greek central bank.

greek drachma的解释

6. By Monday, the legislature will vote an emergency law that designates a fixed exchange rate of, say, 1 drachma –– the Greek pre-Euro currency –– for each euro.

greek drachma的近义词

7. From the Greek drachma of the third century BC to the US dollar of the 20th century, one currency has always risen at any point in time to dominate the global monetary system.


8. The word " dram " translates into English as " money ", and is cognate with the Greek drachma.

greek drachma 英英释义


1. formerly the basic unit of money in Greece

    Synonym: drachma
