
German [ˈdʒɜ:mən]  [ˈdʒɜ:rmən] 


German 基本解释


形容词德国的; 德国人/语的; 德国文化的


German 网络解释


1. 德语:官方语言: 德语(German)、法语(French)、意大利语(Italian)和罗曼希语(Romansch)他出现了低级的失误,这也引起了人们对这位门将能力的质疑. 祖贝尔布勒同时也陷入了瑞士最畅销的小报<<闪电>>(Blick)的围困中练科伊比.库恩(Koebi Kuhn) 仍然征召他前往德国.

2. 德文:与比利时法语有显著的差异) 瑞士(跟德文(German).意大利文(Italian)和罗曼文四文共行) 摩纳哥 法属圭亚那(Guyane francaise) 海地 同时法文也是下列国家的主要第二语言:阿尔及利亚.黎巴嫩.毛里求斯.摩洛哥.新喀里多尼亚.留尼

3. 德国:粉末状的锗呈暗蓝色,结晶状的锗为银白色脆金属. 化学性质稳定,在常温中不被氧化,化学性质稳定,在常温中不易被氧化. 1886年德国学者Winkler博士,首先由银矿石中成功分离出锗元素,於是以其祖国-德国(German)之名,将锗命名为Germanium.

4. 德国人:德国人(German) 饭店位于巴黎,饭店的经营者Thierry Costes 是一位鉴赏家,他同时也经营着其它的饭店和咖啡厅. 德国人饭店内部给人一种与众不同的氛围感,同时它为客人提供...

German 词典解释

1. German

1. 德国的;德国人的;德语的
    German means belonging or relating to Germany.

    e.g. ...a cut in German interest rates.
    e.g. ...the German government.

2. 德语
    German is the language used in Germany, Austria, and parts of Switzerland.

    e.g. I heard a very angry man talking in German.

German 单语例句

1. German

1. And German authorities can exhibit documentation that its Nefertiti bust was legally sold and exported from Egypt to Berlin.

2. Some German women mix their placentas into clarified butter and use it to treat their babies'skin ailments.

3. Rosberg's third position was the German's best showing since China in April and deprived Button of his first podium finish on home soil.

4. Zheng has been hit by a right ankle problem and lost in the first round of the Italian and German Opens.

5. German在线翻译

5. Even though they were sung in German, the words reminded me how much I missed Christmas in the cacophony of Beijing.

6. They were eventually informed that a German shepherd had broken out of its cage in the luggage compartment and was wreaking havoc there.

7. Chirac endorsed a controversial call by German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder for a revamp of NATO, which the United States has rebuffed.

8. Even so, to call it the German Letter Building in English was completely wrong.

9. German是什么意思

9. German Chancellor Angela Merkel extended an invitation to him in a phone call on Sunday night to visit Berlin.

10. German的翻译

10. The American and German duo both did a good job in their last dive, however Qiu and Huo were quite calm and made an almost perfect last dive.
