GHQ [ˌdʒi: eɪtʃ ˈkju:] [,dʒi:eitʃ'kju:] 

GHQ 基本解释


abbr.总司令部; General headquarters 统帅部

GHQ 网络解释


1. 健康问卷调查:76.直流电疗法galvanism,galvanization | 77.健康问卷调查GHQ | 78.臀大肌步态gluteus maximums gait

2. 總司令部,統:Gestapo [納粹德國的秘密警察組織]蓋世太保 | Ghat 火葬場 | GHQ 總司令部,統

3. 赶回去:BFP 不奉陪 | GHQ 赶回去 | LST 论述题

4. 總司令部,統帥部:Ghat 火葬場 | GHQ 總司令部,統帥部 | Gibbet 絞刑架,絞臺

5. ghq:general head quarters; 美国盟军总司令部

6. ghq:general health questionnaire; 一般健康问卷

GHQ 词典解释

1. 总司令部;统帅部
    GHQ is used to refer to the place where the people who organize military forces or a military operation work. GHQ is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'General Headquarters'.

    e.g. ...the dispatches he was carrying from GHQ to the Eighth Army.

GHQ 单语例句

1. Publishing Pal's dissenting opinion was banned under the occupation of GHQ.
