
Fukuoka [ˌfu:kəˈəukə]  [ˌfukuˈokə, -kɑ] 

Fukuoka 基本解释
Fukuoka 网络解释


1. 福冈:航程名称 中国国际航空上海浦东往返福冈9月打折飞机票价格 出发地 亚洲(Asia) - 中国(China) - 上海(浦东机场)(PuDong) 目的地 亚洲(Asia) - 日本(JAPAN) - 福冈(Fukuoka)出发地 亚洲(Asia) - 中国(China) - 上海(浦东机场)(Pu

2. 日本 福冈:该港已和美国的奥克兰(OAKLAND)港和日本福冈(FUKUOKA)港建立了姐妹关系. 本港80%的吞吐量都是集装箱货物,其集装箱装卸量相当于新西兰集装箱装卸量的60%,1992年6月至1993年6月该港集装箱吞吐量达30.6万TEU. 年货物吞吐能力约1000万吨,

3. 福冈 日本 亚洲:166 Fremantle 佛里曼特尔 西澳洲 澳新线 | 167 Fukuoka 福冈 日本 亚洲 | 168 Fukuyama 福山 日本 亚洲

Fukuoka 单语例句

1. " The court rejected all of the plaintiffs'claims, " a spokesman for the Fukuoka District Court in southern Japan said by telephone.

2. The Fukuoka High Court overturned the ruling Monday and said the two defendants do not have to pay the damage award..

3. Fukuoka的解释

3. A year has passed since a horrific drunken driving accident in the city of Fukuoka left three children dead.

4. There was no immediate answer to a telephone call placed late Monday to city hall in her mountainous hometown of Fukuchi in southern Fukuoka prefecture.

5. The gathering has been held annually since 1999, with a separate meeting coming at last December's gathering in Fukuoka.

6. A group of teachers from Fukuoka Prefecture in Southwest Japan visited one of the major checking posts south of the plant on Saturday.

7. But the Fukuoka Court's ruling was the first to find them in violation of Japan's constitutional separation of church and state by the Japanese themselves.

8. Fukuoka在线翻译

8. The lawsuit was filed by 45 Chinese laborers who were forced to work in mines in Fukuoka Prefecture during World War II.

9. In addition, a long narrow belt of industrial centers is found between Tokyo and Fukuoka.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Its Infiniti models are currently manufactured at plants in Tochigi and Fukuoka prefectures in Japan.
