
Eurasia [juəˈreiʒə,-ʃə]  [jʊˈreʒə] 

Eurasia 基本解释



Eurasia 网络解释

1. 欧亚大陆:五千万年后的世界看起来有一点点歪,北美(North America)稍微地逆时针旋转,欧亚大陆(Eurasia)顺时针旋转,把英格兰(England)带到了北极(North Pole)附近,西伯利亚(Siberia)则往南移动到温暖,副热带的纬度.

2. (优雷夏):TALK(茶桌上的谈话) | Eurasia(优雷夏) | The Village Watch-Tower(村中了望塔)

3. 欧亚大洲:ethnic segregation种族隔离 | Eurasia欧亚大洲 | eustasy海面升降;海面进退

Eurasia 单语例句

1. It has become an important regional forum - with international influence - for building political trust and cementing cooperation in Eurasia.

2. The Russian company is now using its network in Russia to build the Eurasia Highway, a transcontinental route for data transit between Europe and Asia.

3. It would cement the relationship between the establishment of the Northern Distribution Network and the much wider vision for the future of Afghanistan and Eurasia.

4. It is estimated that the Eurasia data transmit revenue would be up to US $ 500 million yearly until 2011.

5. The author is an analyst with the Asia practice at Eurasia Group.

6. Eurasia noted that Wen now faces the challenges of shifting policy from stimulating the economy to containing inflation and preventing asset bubbles.

7. The system developed over the millennia and has also led to many musical genres among the people of Eurasia and North Africa.

8. This would unify Eurasia with a trade and transport system that would enhance the prosperity and security for all involved.

9. There are three Eurasia continental bridge passages in Tianjin Port with largest continental bridge transport volume.

10. " It is something to keep more than an eye on, " said Eurasia Group regional analyst Jon Levy.
