1. 埃塞俄比亚:咖啡是从樱桃大小的红色果实中提取出来的,这还是我在访问巴西(Brazil)、 埃塞俄比亚(Ethiopia)咖啡农场时才知道的事情. 在一米高左右的咖啡树上,挂满了大大小小的咖啡果,对于只知道红茶是从叶子里加工出来的我这个异国人来说,
2. 衣索比亞:去东非的时候 除了去 坦桑尼亚 tanzania 也为了看教堂 去了非洲古国 衣索比亚( ETHIOPIA) 这是衣索比亚的古教堂群中 最惊人的一座 往石质地底下挖了大概三四层楼的深度 教堂等於埋在地下 整个教堂就是一座巨型的中空的岩石雕
3. 衣索匹亞:比赛进行到46分钟,衣索匹亚(Ethiopia)选手难耐酷暑,肚子又疼,退到路旁痛苦地呕吐着. 50分钟刚过,个头不高,但很坚实的日本姑娘野口水木,反戴着白色的太阳帽,从后面追了上来,超过一直领跑的英国老将拉德克里夫. 这位今年26岁的野口水木,
4. 塞俄比亚:阿布扎比,阿拉伯联合酋长国(United Arab Emirates)首都,西亚(中东)阿布贾,尼日利亚(Nigeria)首都,非州阿克拉,加纳(Ghana)首都, 非洲亚的斯亚贝巴,塞俄比亚(Ethiopia)首都, 非洲阿德莱德,澳大利亚(Australia)南澳大利亚州,阿德拉尔,
5. ethiopia:eth; 埃塞俄比亚
1. Ethiopia的翻译
1. Coffins of the nine Chinese oil workers wait to be lifted to a chartered plane at Addis Ababa airport in Ethiopia yesterday.
2. Ethiopia is a Christian country long despised in Muslim Somalia, and the Islamic movement here has invoked those traditional hatreds to rally its supporters.
3. Shops carrying everything from Ethiopian silver to memorabilia from Ethiopia's brief Italian occupation line Churchill Road.
4. In 2005, government forces in Ethiopia shot opposition supporters following a contested election.
5. Ethiopia's prime minister said Sunday that his country was " forced to enter a war " with Somalia's Council of Islamic Courts.
6. And yet Eritrea's secession from Ethiopia did not lead to other breakaway movements in Africa.
7. A patient receives medical treatment from a Chinese doctor in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.
8. But his thoughts will immediately turn to the African Games, which are set for home soil in Ethiopia at the end of next month.
9. Ethiopia在线翻译
9. Jia said China is ready to work with Ethiopia to enrich bilateral cooperation and bring the two countries'comprehensive and cooperative partnership to higher levels.
10. Mohamed was born in Ethiopia and moved to Britain as a teenager.