1. 厄立特里亚:中国-厄立特里亚(Eritrea)国际航空小包裹资费查询厄立特里亚(Eritrea)国际航空小包裹邮寄和挂号服务 三态 会在2-5天将国际邮寄小包裹交由厄立特里亚(Eritrea) 邮局(Eritrea Postal Service)投递和其海关清关处处理,邮寄时间通常总共为7-14个工作日,由 厄立特里亚(Eritrea) 邮局投递到客户,
2. 厄利垂亞:注:厄利垂亚 (Eritrea) 系前义大利殖民地,经过30年独立战争后於1993年正式脱离衣索匹亚独立. juice man 受雇於地下钱庄 (juice dealer) 的讨债人 (loan collector). La Nina 反圣婴 (中央气象局译名): 与圣婴 (El Nino)相反的气候现象.
3. 厄立特尼亚:+ '''埃塞俄比亚'''(Ethioplia)面积达109.7万平方公里,位于非洲东部广阔的埃塞俄比亚高原,是一个[[内陆国]],邻国有[[吉布提]](Djibuti)、[[厄立特尼亚]](Eritrea)、[[苏丹 (国家)|苏丹]](Sudan)、[[肯尼亚]](Kenya)和[[索马里]](
4. 非洲","厄立特里亚:非洲--厄立特里亚 (Eritrea)国家概况[政府] 实行总统内阁制,由总统和17名政府部长组成,总统兼政府首脑及武装部队总司令. 首届政府成立于1993年6月7日. 现政府于1997年上半年组成,经2000年11月第三次改组后,
5. eritrea:eri; 厄立特里亚
1. " America and the European Union must come forward, " he said by phone from Eritrea.
2. Regional officials and Afar locals had said the hostages had been marched into Eritrea, something Asmara had denied.
3. And yet Eritrea's secession from Ethiopia did not lead to other breakaway movements in Africa.
4. These experiences became the inspiration for three books about China and one about Eritrea.
5. A statement posted on Ethiopia's Foreign Ministry website called on the United Nations to take action against Eritrea.
6. Eritrea的反义词
6. The UN has also complained that Eritrea has expelled and arrested its staff and imposed restrictions on patrols of the border area.
7. Eritrea
7. The Security Council Wednesday adopted a resolution to impose an arms embargo on Eritrea.
8. Eritrea denies having any troops in Somalia, while Ethiopia insists it has sent only a few hundred advisers.
9. Eritrea
9. Ambassador John Bolton questioned whether the operation should continue because Ethiopia as well as Eritrea was making unreasonable demands.
10. Eritrea的意思
10. Ban warned the humanitarian situation in Eritrea was worsening, with malnutrition rates " exceeding emergency levels " in some regions.