

Emberiza 基本解释
Emberiza 双语例句

1. Ominant groups of large-sized soil animal included Microdrile oligochaetes, Coleoptera and Stylommatophora, ominant groups of middle-small-sized soil animal included Acarina and Collembola, ominant group of wetlands soil animal was Rhabditidia. Ominant species of Vertebrates were Eremias argus, Parus palustris hellmayri, Phylloscopus inornatus inornatus, Emberiza coides weigololi, Phoenicurus auroreus auroreus, Pica pica cenicea, Lanius cristatus lucionensis, Lepus capensis, Citellus dauricus and Eutamias sibiricus.

2. To understand metabolic adaptations, the basal metabolic rate of four small birds in China were investigated. Metabolic rate, body temperature and thermal conductance were determined in yellow-browed bunting Emberiza chrysophrys at a temperature range of 5-35° C, chestnut-flanked white-eye Zosterops erythropleura and hwamei Garrulax canorus at 10-30° C, and red-billed leiothrix Leiothrix lutea at 10-35° C. Oxygen consumption was measured by using a closed circuit respirometer.
    采用封闭式流体压力呼吸计,分别在5-35° C、10-30° C和10-35° C的环境温度范围内测定了黄眉NFDA2、红胁绣眼鸟、画眉和红嘴相思鸟的耗氧量、热传导、体温等指标,探讨了其代谢产热特征。

3. The efferent projections of two cochlear nuclei-nucleus angularis and nucleus magnocellularis in emberiza elegans were investigated with anterograde HRP tracing methods.

4. Studies of auditory pathways in Emberiza elegans central connections of nucleus mesencephalicus lateralis pars dorsalis

5. Nerve Connections of Vocal Control Centre in bulbar hypoglossal nucleus in Emberiza elegans

6. A small, brownish Old World bunting (Emberiza hortulana), eaten as a delicacy. Tell the gardener to trim up these flower beds.

7. The projections from nucleus laminaris (NL) to the pons and midbrain in Emberiza elegans were studied with anterograde HRP tracing techniques.
