EMU [ˌi: em ˈju:] ['imju] 

EMU 基本解释



EMU 网络解释


1. 欧洲货币联盟:虽然宪法被否决很可能损及欧元,但近期汇率波动主要是受到美元反弹的影响,与欧洲 货币联盟 (EMU) 可能松动的政治因素 关联较低. 人 们广泛 认为欧盟宪法如果被否决, 将对欧元构成负面打击,因可能导致欧元区政治不稳定和投资者信心下降,

2. 食火鸟:科学家已经观察到不少食火鸟(emu)、海豚和猪之间出现的同性恋行为,而其他品种的企鹅的同性恋行为也不乏先例,包括爱丁堡动物园的一对雄性王者企鹅(King penguins)和纽约曼哈顿中央公园动物园内的两只企鹅.

3. 鸸:农场内有野牛、鸸 (emu)、鹿、袋鼠和马. 另外,这里还展出大量的西澳产品,并有土著人文化表演,包括corroboree传统舞蹈与掷回力镖. 农场表演节目还有:剪羊毛、召回羊群、鞭术表演、挤牛奶、乘稻草车、享用澳大利亚传统的比利茶(billy tea)与丹波面包(damper).

4. emu:electrical multiple units; 电动车组

5. emu:electromagnetic unit; 电磁单位

6. emu:efecological monitoring unit; 生态监测机构

7. emu:european economlcand monetary union; 欧洲经济与货币联盟

EMU 词典解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 鸸鹋(见于澳大利亚的大型鸟,不能飞行)
    An emu is a large Australian bird which cannot fly.

EMU 单语例句

1. EMU是什么意思

1. That's nothing compared to the night their truck drivers got drunk and decided to play cricket with the heads of the emu costumes.

2. The EMU is now the world's largest market, and continues to grow.

3. The actor reportedly splashes out on expensive emu oil treatments to remove scars and unsightly blemishes from his skin.

4. In 1979 the EMU set a speed record by taking only four hours to travel from Taipei to Kaohsiung.

5. Its first decade in EMU was also characterized by rapid economic growth, fueled mainly by abundant and cheap capital inflows.

6. EMU

6. It is certainly hard to square this perception with EMU's decade of record low inflation.

7. The key to a better functioning EMU is closer surveillance and deeper coordination of economic policies.

8. Today's financial turmoil and economic downturn are highlighting the EMU's advantages in several important ways.

9. EMU的近义词

9. More than 300 patent applications have now been filed in China related to EMU manufacturing techniques.

10. The department said that the EMU has already served for a long time and replacement parts are no longer available.
