ELI 基本解释
English Language Institute 英语语言学院;Environmental Law Institute 环境法学院;extra low impurity 极少杂质;enormous longword instruction 特长字指令;
ELI 网络解释


1. 以利:俄陀聂(Othniel)米所波大米人「二河之间」三7~11以笏(Ehud)摩押人三12~30珊迦(Shamgar)三31底波拉与巴拉(Barak)迦南人四~五陀拉(Tola)十1~2睚珥(Jair)十3~5以比赞(Ibzan)十二8~10以伦(Elon)十二11~12押顿(Abdon)十二13~15参孙(Samson)非利士人十三~十六偶而在这张名单上,会加上亚比米勒(Abimelech)、以利(Eli)和撒母耳.

2. 伊莱:当他最终被解雇时,伊莱(Eli)他们必须处理一桩指控谢里丹饰演角色的案子. 当然,在表象之下,深藏着很多的不为人知秘密. 在本季第二集中,霍尔姆斯激情出演了一段爵士歌舞,留给观众的是人们无法确定是否她在假唱.

3. 股票挂钩票据:我们全面的金融服务范围包括证券(香港、美国及中国B股)、商品期货、外汇等国际交易服务,期货和期权、互惠基金、债券、股票挂钩票据(ELI)及保本票据(PGN)、保险、市场调研和分析,财富管理和顾问服务、资产管理、投资银行及机构性销售等.

4. eli:equity linked instruments; 和股票挂钩票据

5. eli:equity linked instrument; 为推动股票挂钩票据

6. eli:equity linked investment; 股票挂钩投资品

7. eli:english language institute; 是美国英语协会

ELI 单语例句

1. ELI

1. BEIJING - Multinational drugmaker Eli Lilly and Co said on Tuesday it will continue its venture capital investment in China's biopharmaceutical industry.

2. The executives of Eli Lilly distinguish their orange pill from the drugs produced by their competitors by touting its length of effectiveness.

3. Eli Manning has long been used to living in the shadow of his older brother Peyton.

4. Eli Lilly and Co is looking for local distribution partners in China as part of a plan to support its development in China.

5. Archie said he has not expressed a desire to have Eli play for the Giants, despite what Smith said he was told by Condon.

6. Eli Manning is trying to pull a John Elway on the San Diego Chargers.

7. The postseason is where a quarterback earns his highest accolades, and Eli Manning has a chance to join the best of the best.

8. Former " Dawson's Creek " star Katie Holmes will revisit her TV roots with a guest role on " Eli Stone " this fall.

9. " The Walt Disney Concert Hall is a new symbol of our city, " said building tycoon Eli Broad at the dedication ceremony.

10. Last week, the Chargers asked Condon to open negotiations with Eli in anticipation of possibly drafting him.
