Drake Passage

Drake Passage

Drake Passage 双语例句

1. The velocity in Pacific circumfluence becoming slower is caused by sea ice decrease around the South Pole continent and sea ices in Drake Passage play more important role than others.


2. PROGRESS IN STUDIES ON CIRCUMPOLAR CURRENT AND FRONTS AT DRAKE PASSAGE Officials working behind the scenes urged them to avoid further confrontation.

3. For past dozens of years the researches on the circumpolar current at the Drake Passage, which links the Pacific and Atlantic off the Antarctic are reviewed.

4. In the Antarctic water, the Southern Atlantic Ocean is the most fertile, where chlorophyll a concentration and potential primary productivity were more than those in the Drake Passage and the Southern Indian Ocean.

5. Decadal Variation of Upper Ocean Temperature in the Drake Passage

6. Ancient ice on the leading edge of a glacier crumbles under its own weight in Drake Passage, Antarctica.

7. The features of the decadal variation of upper ocean temperature in the Drake Passage are analyzed using the Empirical Mode Decomposition method.

8. The results of size-fractionated productivity showed that the contribution of picoplankton to total productivity was the largest in the Southern Atlantic ocean and Drake Passage, that of nanoplankton and netplankton were approximate.

9. Analysis for the summer sea fog of Drake Passage
