1. 吉布提:西为红海, 南为直通阿拉伯海之阿丁湾(Gulf of Aden), 正遥望恶名远播之海盗国-索马里, 而位处也门, 吉布提(Djibouti), 和东非穷国厄立特里亚(Eritrea)之间的曼德(Bab el-Mandab) 海峡更是中东原油出口至世界之重要通道,
2. 吉布提[吉布提]:加拿大(Canada)安大略省,北美洲迪尔莱克,加拿大(Canada)纽芬兰省,北美洲德里,印度(India)首都,亚洲达卡,孟加拉国(Bangladesh)首都,南亚帝力,东帝文(East Timor)首都,亚洲吉布提,吉布提(Djibouti)首都,非洲多哈,卡塔尔(Qatar)首都,
3. 吉布提共和国:日本的两艘护卫舰将在阿曼王国的外海等候这5艘民间船只,然后在船队前后担任护卫,陪同向西航行约900公里渡过索马里北边的亚丁湾(Aden Gulf)到达吉布提共和国(Djibouti)外海为止,然后在当地等候其它日本有关船只,再向东航行护送至阿曼外海为止.
4. 吉布地:拜占庭帝国也在西元 341年时,从罗马进入到这个地方,古埃及的传统基督教,亦于此时传入当时的邻境国家:北--厄立特里亚(Erithrea),南--肯亚(Kenya),东--索马利亚(Somalia)'吉布地(Djibouti),西--苏丹(Su
5. djibouti:dji; 吉布提
6. djibouti:dj; 吉布提(域名)
1. " You are here with the friendship of the people of Djibouti, " Wen said.
2. Many of the troops are at a French military base in Djibouti and aboard US Navy ships in the Red Sea.
3. Djibouti
3. In the east African country of Djibouti, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation issued a statement after Chen's decision.
4. The fleet will stop in Pakistan's Karachi and Djibouti for supplies and are expected to arrive in the Somalian sea area in 10 days.
5. The aircraft carrying some 20 tons of food supplies would land in Djibouti Wednesday evening.
6. An airplane dispatched from a French base in Djibouti has flown over the yacht.