
Djakarta [dʒəˈkɑ:tə]  [dʒəˈkɑrtə] 

Djakarta 基本解释
Djakarta 网络解释


1. 雅加达:第四届亚运会于1962年8月24日在印度尼西亚雅加达(Djakarta)举行. 参赛国家和地区有日本、印度、印度尼西亚、巴基斯坦、菲律宾、韩国、马来西亚泰国、新加坡、中国香港等17个,运动员1545人.

2. 雅加达[印度尼西亚]:Dhaka 达卡[孟加拉] -2 | Djakarta 雅加达[印度尼西亚] -1 | Guangzhou 广州[中国] 0

3. 雅加达(印尼):Dar-es-Salaam 达累斯萨拉姆(坦桑尼亚) | Djakarta 雅加达(印尼) | Djibouti 吉布提(吉布提)

4. 雅加达[印度尼西亚] (与北京东八区标准时差):Dhaka 达卡[孟加拉] (与北京东八区标准时差) -2 | Djakarta 雅加达[印度尼西亚] (与北京东八区标准时差) -1 | Guangzhou 广州[中国] (与北京东八区标准时差) 0

Djakarta 双语例句

1. So he sent via the air route that had just opened between Moscow and Djakarta one portion for each member of the Presidium.


2. Once in djakarta the hosts treated the guests to special fruit, the durian

3. Djakarta'.''one portion for each member of the Presidium.


4. Flight time from neighboring cities to Haikou is only 2 hours. Among these cities are Hong Kong, Macao, Taipei, Singapore, Bangkok, Djakarta, Guangzhou, Shenzheng, Zhuhai and so on.

5. Once in Djakarta the hosts treadted the guests to a special fruit, the durian.

6. Bali, is more than 1000 km from the capital Djakarta, and is off coast of java island where Djakarta locates only 1.6 km away.

7. The transition of Djakarta Indonesia in the old and new order periods and reform period was greatly influenced by the ruling power such as President Sukarno Suharto and their families and groups that were related to president and local officials.


8. However, when a top-secret assignment comes up and Simon is asked to investigate Will's involvement in a military operation that went horribly wrong some years back in Djakarta, Simon finds himself on his way to the Villa Golitsyn for a much needed vacation.

9. Last Friday, a21-year-old man from west Djakarta (jakarta) became the86th victim.

10. Conflict Tendencies in Djakarta
